This 17-Year-Old Is Actually A Feared Gangster Boss | Plot Twist Movie Recaps

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Jang is a top ranking gangster, and is well-respected by his men. Kim is a fat nerdy high school student who is often bullied for being a loser. The two lives in very different world, until their worlds collided one day. Now, Jang has to live as the loser Kim, while Kim has to be the top gangster Jang. How will the lives of the two change?
In short, this nerd high school student turns into an elite gangster in a split second .

If you like Kim's act in this movie, you should check his other movie "Miss Granny" recapped by our friend Movie Recaps here:

Jang is also killing it in our other recapped movie "New World" which u can watch here:

Other titles:
The Dude in Me movie explained,
The Dude in Me movie trailer,
The Dude in Me movie review,
The Dude in Me full movie,
Comedy movies

#fullmovie #recap #movie

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jung jin-young, park sung-woong, ra mi-ran, lee soo-min, joon hyuk lee
Рекомендации по теме

we gotta appreciate Chul who follows Jang in all of his life stages, he's a real homie for sure


I give this guy props for taking such an obscure concept and presenting it clearly


I love these videos, It's like cheating time by watching 5 movies in 1 hour.


But Jang knows how to get his assistant's trust... By hitting him in the jewels?


I love that Kim's father also worked with Seon and Jang in the restaurant. and also Chul is the man


this is truly amazing movie recap with great explanation


These recaps make me happy, thank you.


This is the best version of Freaky Friday ever.


This recap is amazing 😮‍💨❤️‍🔥 sheeeesh


Великолепный фильм... пересматривал его не один раз... получал от просмотра положительные эмоции... рекомендую..


Great recap. I actually like that you skipped the part of the girl suddenly falling for her "friend" who was then actually her dad. Resulting in him telling her he liked her mom 😐, causing her to rage at her mom thinking they were having an affair 🙄That whole thing was super cringey and unnecessary tbh


Omg I just seen this recap! This movie is fricken awesome 😎


This was such a good one, will forever remember the lessons it bear and how its cool


The choreography in the fights were actually pretty good


the comedy in here, chul is so goated 😂


I swear, Koreans really know how to make a good movie. It's so simple, just drama and some action, yet I found myself holding tight till the end without even realizing. Non of this fancy over the top budget and flashy effects like most of the other world does.. Not gonna mention any names...


I watched this movie like 3 or 4 months ago it’s a good movie definitely would watch again


We all need a friend like chul thanks to God I've got my homies


Damn. Already read the novel adaptation to this. If only I didn't read it I would've totally watched this.


I remember the slim Jang from a series my first first love 😍😍😍
