Sub or Dub? GBVS Vira

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#ChaosProductionsInc #GranBlueFantasy #GBVS
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I've played the browser game, so hearing Vira in English is still a little jarring. That said, I have to go with the sub in this instance, but Tamara Ryan does do a surprisingly great job here. I kind of appreciate how her tone of voice changes in her win quotes as CheVira as opposed to normal Vira, despite being the same lines.


I feel like the dub did a decent job, but it is hard to beat the years of experience playing the role that the sub has.


ofcourse the JP dub is superior but the EN VA dis the best at capture how her laugh should sound like, amazing


Sub. Vira always sounded great with the JPN VA in the Gacha game that knows how to get that right amount of crazy in. Dub Vira sounds too tame.


I've never known much of Tamara Ryan's work prior to Vira, but I *really* like her performance. So much so she's on my ENG VA radar now.

Meanwhile JP Vira makes me imagine what would happen if Tsubaki's Mind Eater curse turned her Yandere tendencies to 11 and ripped the knob off in the process.


It's asami imai. How can you beat the asami imai.


I’ve always been a fan of when girl characters don’t sound traditionally feminine, and in general I’ve always liked hearing it when an actor goes for their own sound for a character different from the original, and this is exactly that! It’s very different from the subbed version but it adds so much context to Vira’s absolutely manic behaviour and how it all comes from a place of love: some lines sound calm, almost genuine and happy, but others are the ramblings of a madwoman! And I don’t really get that from the subs attempts at “sounding pretty”: I really needed to hear her at her ugliest, most visceral and raw. And the dub is all that, plus some more! Tamara Ryan really did nail the feel of this bizarrely sweet young lady


Hearing Granblue Fantasy characters speak in English is weird. I always go for the English dub for games like BlazBlue, Guilty Gear, Street Fighter, Skullgirls, etc because as an English speaker, I prefer the English dubs, especially the good ones like Ragna, Bedman, and Charlie. Though, since I've played Granblue Fantasy I can't imagine using the English Dub over the Japanese Dub. Still, the English VA for Vira did a great job.


Chevira dub version too much emotion after the fight
while Vira on Chevalier mode should be calm without emotion
Asami Imai really born to voicing Vira


Dub needs more work in the psychotic delivery department


Meu nome é Yoshikage Kira. Tenho 33 anos. Minha casa fica na parte nordeste de Morioh, onde todas as casas estão, e eu não sou casado. Eu trabalho como funcionário das lojas de departamentos Kame Yu e chego em casa todos os dias às oito da noite, no máximo. Eu não fumo, mas ocasionalmente bebo. Estou na cama às 23 horas e me certifico de ter oito horas de sono, não importa o que aconteça. Depois de tomar um copo de leite morno e fazer cerca de vinte minutos de alongamentos antes de ir para a cama, geralmente não tenho problemas para dormir até de manhã. Assim como um bebê, eu acordo sem nenhum cansaço ou estresse pela manhã. Foi-me dito que não houve problemas no meu último check-up. Estou tentando explicar que sou uma pessoa que deseja viver uma vida muito tranquila. Eu cuido para não me incomodar com inimigos, como ganhar e perder, isso me faria perder o sono à noite. É assim que eu lido com a sociedade e sei que é isso que me traz felicidade. Embora, se eu fosse lutar, não perderia para ninguém


love vira's japanese va


In general, i feel the voice of Asami Imai more natural for Vira on dialogues, Tamara did a good job with the laugh during the super tho
(that one from the last trailer)


Sub easily better.

Dub is not bad but somehow they got poor words choice; missed point that Vira always try to appears and sound polite to others being 'notice me, senpai' character taken to extreme ... not simply good by sounds obsessive.

While its an understandable language barrier and this might sounds unfair, I personally considered overall performance as bad given she's released alongside Avatar Belial who got 10/10 dub so close to Hosoya voice.


I like her because her JP voice and her story. so Sub


When is she coming out? I haven’t seen any news about updates for the game in a hot minute
Edit: Literally just turned on my ps5 and it’s updating.


For a second I read the video title as Sub or Dom? ><


EN is so bad, doesn't give her much crazy emotion in her voice, but the laugh was nice tho. JP gives the yandere vibes even when she talks not just laughs.


The US flag in the thumbnail only has 38 stars instead of 50.


I don't even know
they both sound good at times and bad at times
In combat the JP one sounds really good while the ENG one sounds meh
with a long script it's the exact opposite
