A Better Son - Rilo Kiley

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Documentary - The Mask You Live In (2015)
Song- A Better Son
Artist- Rilo Kiley

Insta: @cinephileghost

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the editing. The resources used in the video belongs to their respective owners. I DO NOT MONETIZE MY VIDEOS

Facts in the documentary
1. By age 12, 34% of boys have started drinking
2. Young men ages 20-24 are seven times more likely to die from suicide than women of the same age
3. Every day 3 or more boys commit suicide
4. Fewer than 50% of boys or men with mental health challenges seek help
5. 31% males feel addicted to video games
6. 68% of young men use pornography weekly and 21% daily
7. Exposure to pornography increases sexual aggression by 22% and increases the acceptance of rape myths (that women desire sexual violence) by 31%
8. 35% of male college students indicated some likelihood of raping if they knew they could get away with it.
9. 1 in 5 female college students is the victim of an attempted or complete sexual assault.
10. 1 in 6 boys is sexually abused
11. 90% homicide perpetrators are male and almost 50% are under 25
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