Flu Fighter 2017 Fact or Fiction

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Winter is coming and with it brings flu. North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust (NCUH) and Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT) are determined to make 2017/18 the year that they vaccinate more staff than ever with the seasonal flu vaccinations.

This year, the two Trusts are working together to get all front line staff vaccinated against flu to protect themselves, their patients and their families. The vaccinations are provided free of charge to all employees and are effective against this year’s strain of flu.

Last year NCUH achieved a record 75.6 percent of frontline staff vaccinated with CPFT achieving 63 percent but both Trusts are hoping to beat those figures this year.

This year is particularly important as Australia and New Zealand have just experienced a ‘heavy flu season’ and the vaccine is the most effective way to protect against flu.

Stephen Eames, chief executive of both Trusts, said: “I’m really behind the flu fighter campaign once again. Our teams at both Trusts have been really involved and proactive with the campaign, and are determined to increase the amount of people taking up the vaccination in 2017/18.
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