Urr Jaoon | Strings | Bilal Maqsood | Faisal Kapadia | 2018 | (Official Video)

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Song: Urr Jaoon
Artist: Strings
Lyricist: Bilal Maqsood
Video Director: Jami Moor

The second track of the album, “30”, Urr Jaaon is a mellow number featuring Maqsood’s mellifluous vocals cushioned in the quintessential Strings pop-rock sound. With lyrics that lift the song to a whole new sphere, the experience of Urr Jaoon is personal and heavy with emotion.

This video also marks the reunion of Strings & Jami, a dynamic combination that has always led to some groundbreaking audio-visual collaborations. With Urr Jaoon, Jami cleverly juxtaposes the war between the light and the dark within ourselves through the conceptual music video. Shedding light upon an issue that plagues our society, the song is given a new meaning with the visual landscape that he sculpts.

#StringsPakistan #UrrJaaon #Strings30 #30YearsofStrings #BilalMaqsood #FaisalKapadia #JamiMoor #AahadNayani #AdeelAli #HaiderAli #BradleyDsouza #MIshaqNazir
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Stop saying that they are "Coldplay" of Pakistan. No, they are not. They are "Strings" and they belongs to Pakistan. Stop comparing. It demeans the hard work of artists. Every art should speak for themselves.


And i'm so lucky i attended their concert here in India way back in 2004. Oh my god, nostalgia hitting me so hard. The best part is i had got a signed copy of the CD of "DHAANI". Signed by Faisal himself. They call him "Bitta". Much love from India. Strings forever.


The most beautiful song and video I have heard and watched in my entire life so far! Love from Bangladesh.


I remeber me n my husband was driving back to our home at night in rawalpindi saddar area.we took the murre road side n there at signal a little girl came to our car n garri saaf krwa lo.hum ny garri to saaf nhe ki kyoon k already he saaf thi but instead i gave her a slice of pizza.oh my God that happiness on her face i jst cant forget that expression 💓 n i promised my self that when my chidren will big enough i will celebrate their every b.day to those street children.not in the greed of gifts but alot of ajar one day inn shaaAllah


UNICEF should adopt this as their official song with video and i wish this video inspires everyone to eradicate hunger and child labour.. Great Work Strings <3


I am Thai.I do not know your language.But i observed from body language.My tear come out even i do not know the meaning.Love from Thailand.


As a survivor of 16 years of domestic violence this is my theme song! I went through hell all alone and am now enjoying freedom!❤🎉


I grew up listening to them when I was Hindu wholeheartedly.. they were meticulous and heart touching, and now awesome and I reverted to Islam...Assalaamualaikkum wa rahamatullah wa barakatuh


I am indian but i hate these indians who keep fighting here.Why not just enjoy the music n do not fight here.We are all same. If someone is bad then thats only bad politicians and leader always!Music have no boundaries❤Love from india!


Strings! You just recreated and reincarnated the music that was lost amongst these new cult of millennials! Absolutely fantastic music with great play of the strings! Always loved your music from the 90's and you made a nostalgic moment here with Urr Jaaon! Thankyou Bilal and Kapadia! Awesome videography and story to compliment the lyrics. Literally created a very emotional space again for the kind of music you do! Please don't stop and bring more such albums! Have been a big fan since teenage days of the late 90's !


From 3:05, that has got to be the most powerful part of the song that just instills a ray of hope within all of us, consciously or subconsciously and the way the song has been lifted till that certain part, along with the right sync of the video only to be followed by the kids running free in the beach with their smiles, barefoot and happy and carefree just how they ought to be . This is definitely not just for the kids but to all those adults whove bounded themselves and let their inner child die within them to think, not in terms of child labour but in terms of how its time for you to get rid of your chains and set yourself free cos our mind and heart would only be at peace and youd only see the brightest smile when your soul is free :) much love, strings you just keep inspiring <3


I thank my two brothers for introducing me to Strings when i was way small.. Strings is such an iconic band.. and they have come back again with style and grace.


Is it me or Bilal`s voice just touches your heart.


I don't know why I cry everytime I watch this video... Much love from India


One day I could fly away
Become at one with the drifting cloud
This is my desire
That one day I could fly away
Become at one with the azure Valleys
This is my desire
An uncanny bond has been forged with my heart
Which draws me to an unknown place
That i could open the window today, and just fly away fly away
This is my desire

Heart touching lyric ❤


It's not a song, It's a feeling!


I was in tears while listening...Those memories you just brought back ...THE STRINGS from a Lifelong Fan from INDIA..👍💜


You guys are Coldplay of Pakistan. Respect. Love from India 💛


I don't know how I ended up here. I am a 78 year old Englishman from the middle of England. The smile on the kids' faces melted my heart and caused a tear or two to stream down my face.


Cold play were childs when they started making music in 1987
