What is a Matrix Behringer X32

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The Matrix section is one of the most powerful tools on the Behringer X32 and Midas M32, and some forget to even use it! In this video I will explain what a matrix is on the Behringer X32 and some useful ways to use a matrix.

00:00 Intro
00:18 What is a Matrix?
03:36 How to set up using the Behringer X32 Matrix
07:25 Using the Matrix as a system processor
11:29 Sending a Mixbus to a Matrix
12:07 How do I utilize the Matrix Section?
13:57 Conclusion
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Need to watch this 10 more time still don’t understand matrix 😔


This was helpful for me. We are able to get rid of some old equipment/redundancy by using the Matrix section of our X32. Your instructions are great. Thank you. (I do sound/music direction for a church)


THANKS! I've never used that matrixies as I've never understood them. You just unlocked a whole new section of my board!!


Thank you so much for all your videos. I feel way more comfortable with our X32 after watching them.


The Matrix capabilities of the X32 are beautifully explained here, the best part of this video is adding the subwoofer, love it! Thank you very much, Drew, you have such a natural way to explain things very fluently.


Very helpful and very intuitive Drew... much grace sir


Thank you, Drew. Very thorough and succinct. I appreciate you.


Awesome explanation, I’ll try this style of workflow in the future, thank you!


I can't tell you how many times I have looked at that matrix button and wondered what was it for??? :) thanks! great explanation.


Thank you so much sir for your packaged information.


Thank you very Drew I am glad learning more from you


One important thing not mentioned about matrices is that when you send your L&R to a matrix, you don’t want to EQ the L&R faders at all anymore. You’ll instead use the matrix you sent the L&R to to shape your EQ.

In his example, he had the L&R going to several different matrices for different purposes, so eq’ing the L&R will effect all your matrices and not necessarily in a good way. He mentioned some of that.

The other thing is that there are 6 aux outputs that you could route your matrices to. This frees up valuable aux sends on the xlr jacks.

In my case, I have matrix 1&2 going out 1/4” aux sends 1&2, subs going out 1/4” aux send 3, front fills going out 1/4’ aux send 4, and audio for video going out 1/4” aux sends 5&6. Now, I have 16 “monitor” outputs or whatever I need to send out with XLR connectors. Many times I don’t use all, but have that in my back pocket for those instances where I need a few stereo monitors for in ears. Those (in ear sends) eat monitor sends quickly.


This Video was absolut one fo my Favorite! Thank you very much!!!


I think Drew was reading my mind because I was researching this the past few days. Very clear and concise information that answered all the questions I had regarding matrices on the X32.


I use the matrices to run a three way crossover (low/mid/high) into six amp channels in my passive rig. No external crossover - brilliant!


Okay, I really dig on this idea other than my kick drum. I use aux 8 for my sub out channel and have EQ that channel for such. I only want two or three things in the sub mix, bass, maybe bass keys and the kick drum. Your sending all of the mix into Matrix 3 and that is like a DJ set up to me. However I am going to move my sub out over to 14 now for I do like how your doing that. I do need a better send for Video out and livestream so this video was very useful to me. But I have been doing sub out on 8 for years now, need to retrain Andrea. Setting up for Church now. Thank you again Drew.

Super David Scott.


Could you make a video walking through your Vocal Effects? I know you have one on the general Vocal Effects possibilities with the X32 but what would be really helpful is a specific walkthrough of the vocal effects and settings that you are using when you mix. ...similar to the Vocal EQ and Vocal Compression videos you did.


I love you videos and have learnt a lot from your explicit approach of teaching. more grace . I have a question. since I use the M/C for my subs, must I send it to a mono matrix?


Great Video and informtive. Now in our church everuthing is super loud we get so many complaints I try to adjust but instruments are lkud and voices super low. How do I adjust in order to get good sound quality with 0 complaints???? Is there a video out there that helps????


Cam, you please go over each of the stereo effects, and which is best? Especially for live feeds.
