FIRE IN THE SKY: The Best Alien Abduction Thriller You've Never Seen

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This show celebrates Ryan's love for film, games, art and entertainment through personal retrospective analysis that aims to explore what made them so good.

Future Glider by Brian Bolger
First Dream by Brian Bolger
Aurora Currents by Asher Fulero
Icelandic Arpeggios by DivKid
Future Rennaisance by Godmode
Medieval Astrology by Underbelly & Ty Mayer

00:00 - Introducing The Story
02:45 - Sponsored by ExpressVPN
04:17 - Robert Patrick Deserved an Oscar
06:50 - The Unreliable Narrator(s)...
09:50 - Travis Walton's Character
11:58 - The Infamous Abduction Scene!
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*What do you think? ... Share your thoughts and comments below!*

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This is one of those movies that is only really known for having "that scene" in it


This movie traumatized me as a kid. I can never see that *ONE* scene without remembering how scared I was of space and the sky.


Horrifying film, one of the most unsettling Alien Abduction scenes ever put to screen. Love this film. Great work Ryan!


I’ve actually met Travis Walton a few times, he was a friend of my Grandma’s boyfriend, though I didn’t realize he was the guy from the abduction case the first time meeting him. He’s a nice enough fellow and clearly still is haunted by his experience, but (no pun intended) very down to earth.


I first saw “Fire in the Sky” when I was 8 and it scared the hell out of me. Now that I’m older it’s become one of my favorite sci-if films.


I saw Fire in the Sky when it came out. Though I was already an adult, the alien abduction scene gave me the screaming horrors for weeks. I still sometimes flash back to some of those images and they're still scary. The movie's presentation of not being believed and then ostracized for it when you don't know what happen in the first place fills me with a kind of frustrated helplessnes when I think about it. The filmmakers and actors deserve a lot more acclaim than they received.


Still one of the most terrifying portrayals of alien abduction.


Absolutely a cult classic. Im glad to see that people can appreciate the movie for what it is. A hidden gem if an alien abduction movie and imo the best. The scenes where he is getting experimented on is truly horrifying. He seems so genuinely scared and shocked as it is happening. And the rest of the movie is really good too


Oh man, the alien experimentation scene in this movie is absolutely *brutal*. It doesn't help that Travis Walton's case is generally considered to be one of the most believable accounts of alien abduction out there. Regardless of what you personally think, the fact of the matter is that Travis himself genuinely seems to believe his story and it's taken a toll on him. He was even on a game show called Moment of Truth where he claimed that the abduction ruined his life. Poor guy.


Your insight on horror movies makes me literally crave horror media. I get something out of all of your videos. U always do a great job. Hope you conquer those issues with ease, u got this.


My only real familiarity with "Fire in the Sky" would have to be through the deceased Chiller channel (RIP), when they featured a special about exploring the "real locations/stories" behind famous horror & thriller films, and Fire was one of them. I also remember them visiting Centralia, Pennsylvania, to discuss Silent Hill (2006). 👽🔥


Robert Patrick is so damn good in this.
A terrifying final 20min that gave me nightmares about losing my sanity.
Please cover The Empty Man in one of your fine uploads, Hoyever Man!


It has been years since I saw Fire In The Sky, but that abduction sequence has always stuck with me as absolutely terrifying. The film up to that point had been a very effective exploration of small town attitudes and bias in the face of something frankly difficult to believe(let alone prove). I suppose that was what made the sequence so effective. I also seem to recall the film taking a critical beating at the time it was released. Discovering the film has a growing following is honestly surprising. Mister Hollinger continues to create quality content, and I hope he understands that his audience does very much appreciate it.


My anxiety had been pulverizing as of late. It broke my heart to hear that you may understand what that is like. Your uploads are, as always, of fantastic quality. I hope you haven't become too harsh of a self critic, it's one of the darkest tricks our minds can play.
I appreciate the reprieve your channel allows all of us & am sending so much support your way 🖤


Other than the abduction scene utterly traumatizing me as a child, the only other "part" of this movie that I remember was having the realization that whatever the hell that experience is (nightmares, hallucinations, or god forbid it actually be real) it would absolutely ruin a person's life. Nothing would ever be okay again. It made me a lot more kind toward people who have unusual experiences/perceptions. Nothing good ever comes of it, and the world must be absolutely awful to live in if you genuinely believed you'd been sucked up and tortured by aliens.


Mr. Hollinger. You are perhaps THE BEST person doing analyses on horror movies out there. Anxiety sucks and as a therapist I know how debilitating it can be


This movie was pretty awesome. Most Arizonans know the story of Travis Walton and his story led to a real fervor for all things extraterrestrial in my state. And of course the infamous Arizona Lights are our second claim to fame.

What I really liked was how good the cast was. D.B. Sweeney never really got a chance as an actor, but at least we have one of the the creepiest end sequences in modern horror history.


I went in blind, twelve years old, seeing this at the movies with my dad and to this day, no other alien story has ever hit me as hard. Yes, "that" scene and the abduction scene itself with the ship in the dark sky and the tractor beam are unforgettable....but it's also the acting and the mostly absent alien element are so impactful. And hell yeah, Robert Patrick is seriously amazing in the movie .


I've always envied people who can write mystery in such a way as not to take sides. I love stories where you can make up your own mind which side is right or wrong or if it's real or not without it feeling forced or letting too much bias show. Reading a story or watching a film like this is a real joy for me.
Thanks, as always, for the video! Take care of yourself <3
