Is A Christian A Cult Member? Are You In A Church Or Cult? Christians Who Belong To Cults.

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There are easy ways to spot a Christian fundamentalist cult member.

If you would like to read a novel about what I think the Apocalypse would be like if Christ ever returned (a tale the fundamentalist will despise) click the link below. And may God bless you---just not the God that floods an entire world.
THE SECOND FALL. By Charles Hurst

SOURCES: The behavior of Christian fundamentalists
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Thanks for watching and smash that bell like I smash the Evangelical. For a tale I admit is fiction check out THE SECOND FALL
---for what would a Yeshua be like if he came back for Armageddon. Offbeat and sure to offend a few--and maybe a few more.


I hit the Like and the number didn't change from 0.
Spot on. I remember showing a friend at church my new watch, which happened to be shaped as a triangle. She started in how it was the Trinity. It's a WATCH. This was way back, but it was just one more thing to widen the crack that had started when my pastor's wife held my couple of days' old baby and pronounced him a sinner fit for hell. Pre-internet it was so much harder to find information, so it took a looong time to get out. But glad I am out now. No more trinity watches or hell-bound children.


I was a fundagelical for about 35 years. My wife and adult children are still in it up to their eyebrows.Since I'm an atheist, we've basically agreed to disagree, without coming right out and saying it.I never really did like the pressure to witness to unbelievers, since I pretty much was an introvert-but I forced myself to anyhow. Just to think, that "god" gave the responsibility of spreading his perfect word to people like me-and worse! And yet, if the unbeliever isn't convinced by my inept delivery of said message it means ;he's choosing to go to hell?? Definite cultish overtones.


How about, ‘we are so blessed because god has provided’. When I point out that the husband works 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, the wife’s reply is, ‘well god provided the work’. Yeah, but if the husband didn’t go to work 72 hours a week would god have provided? I think not.


Trying to reason with a "fundie" Is like trying to reason with a hungry bear as he's coming to convert you into dinner.


As someone brought up in these kinds of churches, I can agree wholeheartly with you that I was in a cult. I'm now an atheist but accept that I can't prove god(s) exist or not. You are definitely the kind of theist I can relate to. Keep up the good work! ❤


The abrahamic death cult mythology.

Superstition fails.


My grandma a fundamentalist always told me never trust anyone who wears a cross outside their shirt. Because their making it about them and not God.


Be yourself, by yourself, stay away from me.


Definition of a cult: that other guy's church across the street.


My last attempt at being a Christian, at church, peoples heads and arms raised in the air and the look on their faces like the holy spirit is upon them. I wondered "What's wrong with me, why can't I feel it like they do?"
Then I just figured they were delusional simpletons who were in a 'Holier than thou' battle with their fellow man. Then I think back to how I did have the spirit of Megadeth take over my brain years ago, I had my headphones on and I really got into it at that moment, just really got into the intensity of the metal moment.
They had a Megadeth moment at church.


I appreciate that you make the distinction. Unfortunately, some of your commenters don't seem to be able to.


Everybody is someone else's heretic.


This leaves me somewhat relieved. I have a Christian friend that I ride bicycles with and I was a little concerned that he might be in one of these cults. Thankfully I haven't seen any of the red flags you've mentioned. I guess he's a normal Christian.


The guy you might want to consider in your journey away from Christian cults and toward more intellectually honest, morally coherent forms of faith, is Princeton's NT scholar Dale Allison. His best, most accessible book is "The Historical Christ and the Theological Jesus." I guarantee that you will learn new things to ponder and move a bit further in your journey if you give this short, hard-hitting book a go. The last chapter is so good that this unorthodox believer, who shares much of your take on things religious, reads it devotionally.


You're right about the fundamentalists. I do enjoy yr videos so much.uoure right on about this and I admire what you're trying to accomplish.yu do make perfect sence😊😂


brother the bandages on ears at the GOP convention last week took the cake


Christians are ok with the cult label. We even call our cult leader "Master".


Speaking in tongues is not a requirement. I grew up in the non-charismatic Lutheran church and they very much engage in cultish thoughts and behaviors.


"Strengthening walls." Yeah, it seems that's what you're doing.
