Networking - History

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Networking - History
Lecture By: Ms. Shweta, Tutorials Point India Private Limited
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History of Network or Internet:
ARPANET- Advanced Research Project Agency Network.
1.ARPANET was the first network that was established.
2. It's work started in the early 1960s by the US Department of Defense(DOD) as we call.
3. DOD sponsored major research work for the development of initial protocols, language, and frameworks for network communication.
4. There are four nodes are connected to each other with wire. Thes are:
1.University of California at Los Angeles(UCLA)
2. Stanford Research Institue(SRI)
3. University of California at Santa Barbara(UCSB)
4. University of Utah
5. Good news: On 29 October 1969 the first message was exchanged between UCLA and SRL. So the interesting thing is that the first message that was exchanged was actually just one single word that was "Login". In fact, the network crashed after the user typed L.O but still it's considered to be the first massage that was exchanged over any computer network.
6. Now, after this success of the exchange of messages between the four nodes in 1970, a company named Bold Beranek and Newman Inc(BBN) also connected to the ARPANET. In 1972 Roy Tomlinson of the same company he started using email messages.
7. ARPANET it expended to connect DOD with US universities that were carrying out defense-related research.
8. Then established a network of networks that was one network was situated in the US
another network situated in the UK and another network was in Norway. So the network of network was established. And it was called the Internet.
9. Internet was first coined by Vinton Cerf, Yogin Dalal, and Karl Sunshine of Stanford University and these three were also responsible for laying down the rules for communicating over the internet.
10. Those set of rules were called Transmission Control Protocol(TCP).


What is difference between network and imternt


How the modern networks came about from Telenet to the present day:
We know that the Universities all are attached through the ARPANET and the Internet but then a need was felt to take this to the masses and Telenet was introduced in 1974. It was the first commercial version of ARPANET or the internet. With this Telenet, the concept of ISP(Internet Service Provider) was introduced. Now, what is an ISP? ISP is nothing but a private company that is responsible for giving you uninterrupted internet service. In a modern-day network, you can see client PCs, laptops, firewalls, servers, router, etc everything is connected to create a modern network. But how the modern network came about from Telenet to the present day? It's possible due to the World Wide Web(WWW).
