Schema Diagrams

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DBMS: Schema Diagrams
Topics discussed:
1. Analogy to understand the need for schema diagrams.
2. Theoretical aspects of schema diagrams.
3. Difference between schema diagram and ER diagram.
4. Example schema diagram pertaining to the University database.
Axol x Alex Skrindo - You [NCS Release]
#DBMSByNeso #DBMS #SchemaDiagrams
Topics discussed:
1. Analogy to understand the need for schema diagrams.
2. Theoretical aspects of schema diagrams.
3. Difference between schema diagram and ER diagram.
4. Example schema diagram pertaining to the University database.
Axol x Alex Skrindo - You [NCS Release]
#DBMSByNeso #DBMS #SchemaDiagrams
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