Calculus 2 Lecture 9.7: Power Series, Calculus of Power Series, Ratio Test for Int. of Convergence

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Calculus 2 Lecture 9.7: Power Series, Calculus of Power Series, Using Ratio Test to Find Interval of Convergence
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0:00:00 Introduction and definition of Power Series. Idea of center point.
0:07:05 Example (-1^n)(x^n)/(n!) - PS centered at 0
0:10:10 Example (-1^n)(x - pi/4)^(2n+1)/(2n+1)! - PS centered at pi/4
0:14:00 The idea that these PS are FUNCTIONS of x. I.e., the SUM of the PS is the OUTPUT of the FUNCTION. But only if/where the PS is convergent.
0:21:35 Example x^n - Geometric Series - definition of common ratio
0:28:04 Example x^n - The form of the function represented by this PS
0:33:30 More about the center point, the domain, the interval of convergence
0:36:24 The 3 possible conditions in which PS may converge (Type "a", "b", "c"). Radius of Convergence definition. Interval of Convergence definition.
0:44:14 Example (n!)(x^n) - Why we will almost always use the Ratio Test for IOC. (Especially when factorials involved)
0:48:05 Example (n!)(x^n) - Why we can move everything other than the "x" outside the absolute value symbol
0:55:18 Example (n!)(x^n) - Why this example has no endpoints and no ROC or IOC, just a single convergent value. (Type "a")
0:56:37 Example (-1^n)(x^2n)/(2n)! - Ratio Test
1:06:09 Example (-1^n)(x^2n)/(2n)! - Why we don't need the absolute value sign after simplifying
1:08:06 Example (-1^n)(x^2n)/(2n)! - This example converges for all x (Type "b")
1:11:55 Example (x^n)/n - Ratio Test. Why the other tests are not optimal. This is the first example where we must test the endpoints (Type "c").
1:17:55 Example (x^n)/n - More insight on why we use the Ratio Test.
1:20:10 Example (x^n)/n - How we determine the ROC and the endpoints. Then, checking the endpoints tells us the IOC.
1:22:49 Example (x^n)/n - Endpoint 1 (Alternating Series Test)
1:24:55 Example (x^n)/n - Endpoint 2 (Harmonic P-Series)
1:28:00 Example (x-2)^n / (n^2 * 3^2) - Ratio Test
1:35:20 Example (x-2)^n / (n^2 * 3^2) - R.O.C. when not centered at 0, and finding endpoints of such interval
1:37:30 Example (x-2)^n / (n^2 * 3^2) - Endpoints (Alternating Series test, P-series)
1:41:18 Example (-1^n)(2^n)(x^n)/sqrt(n+1) - Ratio Test
1:51:10 Example (-1^n)(2^n)(x^n)/sqrt(n+1) - Endpoint 1 (Limit Comparison Test)
1:56:10 Example (-1^n)(2^n)(x^n)/sqrt(n+1) - Manipulating the starting n value together with the series form to make a certain test valid
1:58:40 Example (-1^n)(2^n)(x^n)/sqrt(n+1) - Endpoint 2 (Alternating Series Test)
2:03:12 Derivatives & Integrals of Power Series introduction. Basically we have a series (which IS a function) - we expand it out - we take the derivative - then we collapse it back in to a new series formula.
2:05:52 Derivatives
2:12:35 Integrals
2:15:55 Losing convergent endpoints via derivatives, gaining convergent endpoints via integrals
2:17:04 Example - Representing ln(1-x) on (-1, 1) as a Power Series (its derivative has form of Geometric Series). Discussion of why the interval range affects the validity of this method.


i got the highest test score on the last calc 2 exam thanks to professor Leonard.

my poor professor probably thinks it was due to his own "excellent" teaching.


I've learned lots about biceps and calculus. win win


I have my last Calculus 2 test in 2 days and I have to pass it in order to pass the class with a C. However, now that I have found this God-sent professor, I feel confident in my ability to pass again. I don't usually comment on videos but I think that Professor Leonard really deserves that I say thank you for his putting his lectures online. Thank you so much, it is deeply appreciated.


Out of all math related videos on the internet, I can honestly say Professor Leonard is the most crystal clear at explaining everything from the concepts behind it and the origins of the concept, to why and how it works. All of you at Merced College are truly lucky to have him as your professor, do NOT take this for granted. Thank you SO much for saving my grade and not boring me to death with theorems and monotonous talking.


Now this is what you call a teacher!!! A REAL T-E-A-C-H-E-R!!!... He understands how our brains work... He knows what questions are lingering in our brains... He goes step by step without missing a step... He puts in WORK. Not like these other teachers that just go through the motions and are clearly clueless that their entire class isn't following along. Professor Leonard, you are a true hero, sir!!! Thank you!!


I have an awful calc 2 professor, she is seriously the spawn of Satan. Does not give partial credit on her exams, doesn't believe in giving credit for the homework, and she bases your grade on two midterms and one final that she gives no partial credit for. The only reason why I am still in the class is because of this man right here. If it wasn't for him I would be so lost in her class. Thank you so much for putting all these lectures on youtube! You are seriously the best calc professor ever. You are so clear, and are have amazing teaching skills. PROFESSOR LEONARD YOU ROCK!


wow, last week I was 60% comfortable with my hw ... this week I just redid all of my hw and understood it 92% THANK YOU!! Professor Leonard is SUPERMAN!!


got a 63 on my first calc 2 exam, then discovered these videos and GOT A 96 on my second exam!!! Best lecture/ videos I have ever seen!


My professor has an entire auditorium with 5 massive projectors and can't keep our attention for more than 3 minutes. Pr. Leonard has 2 whiteboards and an expo and has me glued to the screen for 2 hours


Hello, I'm a first year Under Grad at UC Berkeley. I wanted to tell you that I've been watching your lectures for the past 2 weeks and I have found them VERY helpful. You do a GREAT job at explaining things in many different ways. Again, thank you much!


This man is the best person on YouTube for explaining the why and the how, and doing it in depth but still making sure you can follow him every step of the way without getting lost. To those who are trying to get **THIS** level of instruction from those 15-minute videos by other YouTubers, forget about it! Professor Leonard is the GOAT!


You and the Organic Chemistry Tutor helped me get an 87 on the Cal 2 test I took today!


I got A+ in calculus 2 thanks god first, then it is because of this man and his videos, you are my hero .😭😭😭💜
inshallah, I will continue his videos about "Statistics", 2016 ..


thank you Prof Leonard I just took my calc 2 test this week and I passed because of your lecture. Im a college student by the way and my professor doesn't explain lectures like you and this guy gets paid 100K a year


We sort of skipped over all this stuff and went straight to Taylor polynomials in my Calculus 2 class. I was confused so I decided to watch a few of your videos about sequences/series and I understand much better now. Thanks.


Professor Leonard,  
I am currently in Cal 2 and my Professor only talks about EVERYTHING but math. And when he finally talks about math, he assumes we all have our masters in Mathematics. Long story short, my study group of 3, and I have resorted to youtubeing random lectures, and we came across your channel a week ago. You are a FANTASTIC representation of what a teacher should be, and you take the time to explain each step without leaving any space for confusion. I hope you continue posting videos and you teach cal 3 or linear algebra in the future! Kudos and thanks.
With all of that aside, You're also an inspiration to make time to workout instead of studying all day!


Professor Leonard, thank you for an incredible video/lecture on Power Series and its connection to the Ratio Test for the Radius and Interval of Convergence. Power series representation of function has played an important role in the development of Calculus. Power series is Continuus, Differentiable and Integrable which makes it simple to work with and understand from start to finish. This is an error free video on YouTube.


I just want to say that you Leonard are awesome! I study maths at uni, and I studied in different universities in Italy and Australia, I haven't met a teacher like you so far in 5 years!! Everything is SOOO clear and I love the way you always make sure that the class is following you 100%. I wish I had a teacher like you :)
