Butcher Block Kitchen & Pantry | Turtle The Vintage Camper Van Build | Part 7
There’s also another method in mos eisley you need an Astromech droid and a bounty hunter, max out the scatter shot to 4x and 750 studs per enemy on the bounty hunter and on the astromech droid put distraction to 5 seconds. You can also upgrade attract studs from a far distance away if you want. If you have all the stud multipliers you will earn a crazy amount. Then head to a gated off area and switch to a Jedi and use mind tricks on the storm trooper to open up the gate by turning on the alarm then switch back to the bounty hunter and constantly hit the storm troopers the astromech droid should distract them making them easy to kill. You also get a crazy stud multiplier after killing each enemy.
I feel dumb for not realising that I could do this. Thank you!
Very nice method, Was able to save up to buy stud multipliers and capital ships fast. Thank you.
Wow! I didn't think about that! I've been using blasters for the last 3 hours!
Got a glitch on the game were my studs start declining after a few missions and it has a minus symbol at the start of it I currently have 6.5 billion studs and when I open the galaxy map it says 2 billion with the minus sign next to it I hope they fix this issue
I ended up playing a level in empire strikes back i think it was and there was walls you could just keep shooting for blue studs so just did that with the 2x stud extra
Just buy the Rancor or Wampa its much faster !
Cheers bro time to get that achievement
Episode 9 part 1 may be a little bit faster, I get about 700mil every run, just have to shoot the horizontal beams
This is better than any other YouTuber
Not sure if it’s better or worse but you can also use the rancor character if you have it
Better use Rancor. He can jump and walks faster.
Once you unlock the rancors use that it moves way faster
The walkers don't spawn for me when I arrive on Bespin
Can anyone let me know how hes got x3840 on stud count. Do you get that after you unlock all x studs via 'cheat code menu'?
is this better than the death star method
When does Bespin unlock, is it in Empire because I started at Episode 1 and now partway through EP2.
If you buy a rancor then you can go a ton faster and you will make ur money back in no time :)