Statler Brothers - Do You Know You Are My Sunshine

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The Statler Brothers were an American country music vocal group founded in 1955 in Staunton, Virginia.
Originally performing gospel music at local churches, the group billed themselves as The Four Star Quartet, and later The Kingsmen. In 1963, when the song "Louie, Louie" by the garage rock band also called The Kingsmen became famous, the group elected to bill themselves as The Statler Brothers. Despite the name, only two members of the group (Don and Harold Reid) are actual brothers and none have the surname of "Statler". The band, in fact, named themselves after a brand of facial tissue they had noticed in a hotel room (they joked that they could have turned out to be the Kleenex Brothers). Don Reid sang lead. Harold Reid, Don's older brother, sang bass. Phil Balsley sang baritone and Jimmy Fortune sang tenor after replacing original tenor Lew DeWitt in the early 1980s due to the latter's ill health.DeWitt died on August 15, 1990 of heart and kidney disease, stemming from complications of Crohn's disease.
The band's style was closely linked to their gospel roots. "We took gospel harmonies," said Harold Reid, "and put them over in country music."
The group remained closely tied to their gospel roots, with a majority of their records containing at least one gospel song. They produced several albums containing only gospel music and recorded a tribute song to the Blackwood Brothers, who influenced their music.
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Oh how I miss real beautiful music like Rock and Roll died at the end of the 70s and Country Music finally died in the 90s. And now all we have left is our old Records Tapes and CD and Youtube music videos. I thank you Youtube for allowing a platform for this.


Lew had a voice like a steel guitar. They don't make 'em like him anymore. Rest in Peace.


Wish some group would pick this up, just dont hear that beautiful harmony anymore. ❤❤❤❤❤


My wife and I first learned of the Statler Brothers in 1973. From that time on we were hooked. We bought most of their vinyl albums and attended at least a half - dozen of their concerts. We have seen both Lee and Jimmy in concert feel that both were excellent.

I think that that era of country entertainment is gone forever and that those 5 men - Harold, Phil, Lew, Don and Jimmy - were born to sing and perform. I thank their wives for sharing them with us all those years.


Rock and Roll Died in the 70s and Country Music died in the 90s and Music has never been the same. Thank God for Youtube


I doubt anyone will believe me, but my mom is the little girl in this song. She attended one of their concerts when she was a kid, and she asked them to play You Are My Sunshine, but before they got to it, her mom (my grandmother) told her they had to leave. Then, one day she heard this song on the radio


I didn't listen to Statler music until well after Jimmy Fortune joined the group. Now, I love Jimmy but Lew DeWitt has stolen my heart. I wish I had seen more of him.


I wonder if The Statlers Brother's had any idea how much sunshine their music brought, and continues to bring, to so many of us!


The Statlers have always been an extremely class act. Very personable and extremely talented. Harold and Lew will always be terribly missed!


Rest In Peace Harold Reid, there will be sunshine for you in heaven!


there never has, nor will there ever be a group who can replace the statlers


Lew and Jimmy .. two of the best tenor voices ever!!!!👍👍👍💕💕💕💕


this was the first casstette tape I ever bought, had never heard of the Statler Brothers at the time, I wore that poor cassette out so bad when it clicked I'd have to pull it out and "forward" it with a pencil to get past the scotch tape!


R.I.P. Harold Reid, owner of an ultra incredible bass voice. Roadhog reunited with his right hand man, Witchita


Lew DeWitt just recently reunited with one of his brothers. R.I.P. Harold Reid.


Statler's are my all time favorite group. I Tweeted to them last night and they actually answered I told them they were the ring tone on my phone, they said wow, we're a ring tone, we love you! . I was so excited I jumped up and down, called two friends. Made my day.


I have always loved the Statler Brothers and their music. I saw them and their bus in person and was given a tour


Absolutely love these guys, listening to a few of these songs instantly takes me back to the age of 7 (I’m 56) waiting for the mail to come with my 10 cassette tapes for 1 cent from Columbia house!! Of which 3 were The Statlers! Best country music group ever! Long live Lou DeWitt! Hope you’re harmonizing in heaven - amazing talent!


You can't find real talent like this today.


The GREATEST GROUP EVER in Country Music...BAR NONE!!!
