AQA A-Level Student Webinar: Free Will vs. Determinism

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The Free Will vs. Determinism debate is one of the most popular debates in Psychology, however do you really understand the difference between biological, environmental, psychic, hard and soft determinism. This short webinar provided an opportunity to explore these key concepts.

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I am 100% here due to environmental factors, being the feeling of fear for the exams, which is then removed by watching this video :D


Will the essay question always ask you to compare 2 arguments like in this case free will and determinism or could they give you a question just on one of the arguments so just free will because there wouldn't be enough AO3 from this video as it gives AO3 comparing the two?


The twin study to support the humanistic approach didnt make sense because you stated the environment caused a 20% difference but isnt environmental factors a deterministic take?


Soft determinism is so stupid. In your example you could say that the girl would choose the apple because she knows that apple is more healthy or that she hates artificial taste of the muffin.. so not taking the muffin is still determined. The problem is in us, we look at this as she won a battle with herself and managed not to eat muffin.. It would be true in that context but it is still determined.
