Bicycle Rules Of The Road

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Ride Safe!
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Or you should design a city that's not car centric and prohibitive to riding a bike. That area has no true infrastructure from the looks of it and I'd be scared to ride my bike as much as I do here in NC. Protected raised bike lanes need to be common everywhere. Bikers are just as vulnerable as pedestrians and cities should be designed for people first not cars


They forgot to add a segment on what to do if motorists become hostile. So many motorists are stuck in the 1950/60s they forget that cyclists are also using the roads.


And...Wear a police outfit so that people will give you the right of way and give you plenty of clearance. You will get the respect a bicyclist is entitled to. If you don't people will honk at you for legally taking the lane. Cops get respect... Bicyclist don't..!
It would be nice to see the bicycle cops write some tickets to drivers who don't follow the laws. Especially when some idiot parks in a bike lane. In Portland that is a $300 parking violation that is rarely enforced. Parking enforcement looks at the violation and walks on by.
Selective enforcement of the law is a violation. You cannot pick and choose who the law applies to. And cyclist die because of it.
I bet this video would have been much different with a cyclist that had bike clothing on.


Ridiculous. This vid applies only in an ideal world. You need to actually use a bicycle to understand how dangerous it is to ride a bicycle next to vehicles, at least in my state (MD) . Vehicles don't see bicycle nor they know about the rights of bicycles on the road. It's like asking a jogger to use the freeway while jogging and feel safe.


I ride frequently in my area. It still amazes me that a 80, 000 commercial freight truck and a bicyclists have the same rules for the same space. What's more is that we allow these "rule makers" to remain in there offices when obviously they lack basic common sense


More than a century ago Dutch lawmakers realised that bicycles are different from cars and different from pedestrians so they made different rules for car drivers, cyclists and pedestrians.

North America: cyclists should behave like car drivers.


US cycle traffic rules are such a mess 😅


I cant beleave they still think a 40lb 15 mph bike is the same as a 3500lb+ car at twice the speed


Im actually scared to ride on the road. Especially when cars over take me that's Actually really scary for me


I’m 16 don’t have license yet and I just use bicycle as my car and if you ride your bike one road PLEASE DONT WEAR


Listening to music while driving a car might be fun, but make sure you can hear other traffic.


I should share this to everyone I know because, when I cycle, so many cars go incredibly close to me or shout expletives and tell me to get off the road. They don't drive like they expect me to go around potholes and broken glass, and they certainly don't like it when I use the turning lane to turn. It's frustrating because this is my mode of transportation.


watch any Netherland cycling videos to see how bad north American cycling rules and infrastructure are


Kids should bike on the sidewalk, but it saver to bike on the road?? Does anybody hear the contradiction in that? Or do Americans hate children, pedestrians or bikers maybe all of them? Please explain.


Going to be a bicycle commuter soon! Thanks for the good information.


This is video absolute lunacy! To expect the average person to ride their bike amongst cars without any physical barrier is absurd and extremely dangerous.


This video was very helpful but my problem is that I can’t ride on the sidewalk so even when I’m on the side of the road a few cars honk at me. Like I follow every rule and I stay completely on the side, I don’t know what to do in that situation.


This is the guide for how to get car drivers to get pissed for you taking up "their" road and then attempt to run you over or threaten to. Just because something is the law doesn't make it safe.


It's safer to a ride on the street that's why we encourage children under 10 to ride on the sidewalk.


Great video. My takeaway on it would be that if I had a badge and a gun then my odds of survival on a bicycle are far better here in the USA. Now that we can open carry a firearm here in Texas then perhaps I can get halfway there. All kidding aside though: Excluding bicyclists that aren't following the laws of the road and being a jerk there must be a reason for all the animosity I see against bicyclists here in the United States that were following the rules and not getting in anyone's way. Anyone have a valid consensus on what that reason might be?
