jPlay walks through Anno 1800 (The Boardgame) - Extended

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In this video I continue to play some more rounds of "Anno 1800" the board game.

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Kosmos kindly provided a review copy of the game.

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~ Thanks for the extended play Markus.. this game sure kept you busy! 😃😉


Thanks for another video Marcus, great job. I'm glad you've picked Anno, I was curious how it works.


I hope they do an English publication soon! If not it looks like I could still get a copy and use English rules on BGG. ☕️


After testing it online i think game is kinda overdesigned. There is bunch of useless resources that are just to complete few cards and are really chore to create and then... other player benefits from them and your compensation is mere 1 gold... Another thing is this tiles for trade/conquer should be double sided, where other side would be an X or something. That would allow you to just flip tiles on your board and don't move them away. Old/New world tiles looks swingy, where you need some resources from them and never get it or you got bonus from old world that are useless, like upgraded steel factory that you may own using previous action. All in game is not great, but have few interesting bits to play around.


A "playthrough" is only completed when you finish it. Its a shame that you don't want do that...
Btw, there were some decisions where I was screaming in my mind why you have done this. E.g. you make a City Festival with 7(!) cubes left, that would let you do enough other things.
Or where you switch 2 upgrade cards for 2 blue token cards. Either you lost an action and just get 4 blues or you keep your cards and could get 6 blues or 3 reds, because you don't need more than 3 farmers.
Nonetheless, thanks for uploading!
