Setup SharePoint App Catalog in On-Premises and Office 365 SharePoint

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Learn how to Setup SharePoint App Catalog in On-Premises and Office 365 SharePoint

Steps in the Process in On-Premises
a) Configure the domain names in DNS
b) Configure the Subscription Settings and App Management service applications
c) Specify the app domain and app prefix
d) Create new App Catalog site collection

Script for Subscription Settings and App Management service applications
$msa = Get-SPManagedAccount -Identity publicisgroupe\spadmin

$App = New-SPServiceApplicationPool -Name "AppManagementAppPool" –Account $msa

$Sub = New-SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplication -Name "Subscription Settings Service" -ApplicationPool $App

$SubSP = New-SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplicationProxy -ServiceApplication $Sub

More info on Site Collection App Catalog
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Thank you sir for this code I am new in SharePoint. So I am very happy finally I have find the solution in YouTube


Very informative and clear explanation. Thanks!!


Hello, I am new to development as i am system admin for 5yrs. Please help me where to start development for SharePoint as my path is to become a SP architect. Please advise me on how and what to do to reach my goal as SP architect.
