NEW! Minimalist House Tour

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Today I'll take you through our minimalist home located in Minnesota. We are a family of 6 who live in about 1350 square feet...and our house feels plenty big enough!
If you're looking for more help and guidance with decluttering your home, check out our Mentorship Group:
Here's what you can expect:
- 5-10 minute videos each weekday with guided decluttering tasks
- monthly themes, weekly challenges
- 1 hour live guided decluttering sessions twice a month for accountability
- encouragement & support from other members
- cost is $15/month
This is ideal if you're looking for more motivation & accountability.
🖤 I N T H I S V I D E O
🖤 L E T ' S S P E N D M O R E T I M E T O G E T H E R :
🖤 R E C E N T L Y M E N T I O N E D
Here is the best way that I can help you!
Decluttering + Home Management Support
Your monthly subscription will include:
- Daily strategy videos
- Live guided decluttering sessions
- Weekly 60-minute household planning meeting
- Twice daily live "body doubling" sessions
- Weekly office hours
- Printable household management binder
- Encouragement & support from other members
This is ideal if you're looking for more motivation & accountability!
Thank you for your support!
00:00 - Welcome and Introduction
00:34 - Entryway and Main Floor Layout
01:45 - Full Bathroom and Master Bedroom
02:47 - Unused Door and Layout Explanation
03:32 - Minimalism Approach: Cozy, Not Stark
04:14 - Dawn's Minimalism Journey and Initial Decluttering
05:43 - Does Minimalism Feel Weird?
06:21 - The Calm of a Minimalist Home
07:07 - House Size and Family Comfort
08:33 - Minimalism and Kids' Perceptions
09:16 - Minimalism Benefits for Social Life
10:02 - Sentimental Items and Memory Boxes
12:02 - Stories of Transformation through Decluttering
13:41 - Lasting Benefits of Simplifying and Decluttering
14:30 - Encouragement and Resources
:: C U R R E N T L Y R E A D I N G ::
:: M O S T P O P U L A R O N O U R B L O G R I G H T N O W ::
#minimalism #familyminimalism #minimalist
:: M O S T P O P U L A R V I D E O S R I G H T N O W ::
🛍 Affiliate links:
If you're looking for more help and guidance with decluttering your home, check out our Mentorship Group:
Here's what you can expect:
- 5-10 minute videos each weekday with guided decluttering tasks
- monthly themes, weekly challenges
- 1 hour live guided decluttering sessions twice a month for accountability
- encouragement & support from other members
- cost is $15/month
This is ideal if you're looking for more motivation & accountability.
🖤 I N T H I S V I D E O
🖤 L E T ' S S P E N D M O R E T I M E T O G E T H E R :
🖤 R E C E N T L Y M E N T I O N E D
Here is the best way that I can help you!
Decluttering + Home Management Support
Your monthly subscription will include:
- Daily strategy videos
- Live guided decluttering sessions
- Weekly 60-minute household planning meeting
- Twice daily live "body doubling" sessions
- Weekly office hours
- Printable household management binder
- Encouragement & support from other members
This is ideal if you're looking for more motivation & accountability!
Thank you for your support!
00:00 - Welcome and Introduction
00:34 - Entryway and Main Floor Layout
01:45 - Full Bathroom and Master Bedroom
02:47 - Unused Door and Layout Explanation
03:32 - Minimalism Approach: Cozy, Not Stark
04:14 - Dawn's Minimalism Journey and Initial Decluttering
05:43 - Does Minimalism Feel Weird?
06:21 - The Calm of a Minimalist Home
07:07 - House Size and Family Comfort
08:33 - Minimalism and Kids' Perceptions
09:16 - Minimalism Benefits for Social Life
10:02 - Sentimental Items and Memory Boxes
12:02 - Stories of Transformation through Decluttering
13:41 - Lasting Benefits of Simplifying and Decluttering
14:30 - Encouragement and Resources
:: C U R R E N T L Y R E A D I N G ::
:: M O S T P O P U L A R O N O U R B L O G R I G H T N O W ::
#minimalism #familyminimalism #minimalist
:: M O S T P O P U L A R V I D E O S R I G H T N O W ::
🛍 Affiliate links: