Power Tower POV 5K

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Some say that power is one of the most addictive feelings in the world. If that’s the case, then you’ll want to ride the Power Tower over and over and over. This state-of-the-art adrenaline factory features three towers and two choices:

Space Shot: Our single blue tower rockets riders 250 feet into the air. At the topp you will feel weightless before bounding back down to the earth in a free fall before bouncing back up again and again.

Turbo Drop: Two towers slowly bring riders up 275 feet. Once you've reached the peak, you can take a second to take in your surroundings and enjoy the park's scenery. Feel the tension build before you are blasted back down to earth at speeds faster than a free fall. Don’t worry – the ride's pneumatic braking system will stop you from hitting the ground.

The choice of which direction you’re launched is left in your hands. If you can’t feel the power now, you will when it’s time to choose your own fate. So what’ll it be? Turbo Drop or Space Shot?

Video was shot on a GoPro 11 in 5k then downgraded to 4k

This video was taken in 2023

Shot and edited by Parker Milbrath
Рекомендации по теме

this is gonna be the best i love valleyfair and yes the blue one is the best not gonna lie


I think power tower is scarier to watch than being on it. My dad said the same thing when we went on it


I went to valley fair yesterday so much fun


Aye @Valleyfair i need to know this before tmrw Am i allowed to use a wrist mount With my phone so i can film On rides?


Valleyfair what is the point of removing the looping starship


I legit crapped my pants and left this ride crying my eyes out at 17 y/o. People were laghing. Was it worth it? No. Never again in my life.


power tower isnt even that scary, def fun though


Adventureland invests more in their park than ValleyFair. Adventureland! Come on VF, start investing in more rollercoasters!
