08-08-2019 Curious Chord Progression

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I know most people don't care why something sounds good and just that it does but as the music theory nerd that I am, I always feel the need to understand what makes certain chords work and what effect they bring across in a progression like this. The Dm7 to G7 to CM7 make sense; it's just a diatonic ii V I progression, not uncommon in jazz. And the Em7 to Am7 work nicely into an interrupted cadence to end off the phrase. But for the life of me, I can't quite understand the Dbdim7 or the Eb7b5 and why they work so well in there.
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This was sick brotha! Glad I looked up "curious chord progressions" word by word haha


I'm no chord expert - I think a lot of the theory looks for too rigid of explanations - but I suspect why those chords work is that you're already playing around with 7s and m7s and maj7s before you get to that dim7. Same roughly with the Eb7b5 - I hear that 7 as feeding off the previous Am7 and sort of turning it into a minor --> major thing that happens to have some other notes going on.

Those variations in the 7s before the dim7 create a sort of chromatic wooziness that the dim7 adds to.
