What You Should Know About Focal Lengths and Shooting Cars

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I'm going to show you what effect the focal length you shoot can be when photographing cars, and when to use the various lenses in your camera bag. I’ll take you through six common lens lengths — 14mm, 24mm, 50mm, 85mm, 105mm, and 200mm — to show you some real world benefits, drawbacks, and share practical experiences.

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#nikon #automotivephotography #porsche #photography #cars #sigma #nikkor
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As a photography beginner, I found this very enlightening. Thank you!


I've been an amateur photographer for closing on 50 years and this show and tell tutorial was a fabulous learning opportunity and represents the best 10 minutes I've spent all month. What, the video is only 5:51? Fifteen minutes is an understatement because after the first six minutes, I've spent time reflecting on photos I've taken which would have benefited from watching this 30 years ago, or ten years ago. Thank you Kevin . . . I've subscribed.


As a beginner who likes to photograph vehicles in the street and who hasn't had their film developed yet (old school I know), I'm pleased to hear that I'm on the right track by using the 50mm focal length.


I love how you laid out this video. Great intro, the video outline & text to go over each lens is easy to understand. The camera flipping back to you talking is at perfect timing to keep the viewer engaged. 👍🏁


As a person with ZERO photography experience.... mind blown.


Been watching camera reviews and comparisons all day thinking about wether I’m going down the right line or not… then I watch this video and just drop all those thoughts and long for the next shoot with my current camera…
Loved this!!


This was one of the best videos I have come across! loved the ending lines where you said that "it should be smth that we dont see from our naked eyes" Like boom! it hit! That's what I believe as well. Loved watching this video!


This has got to be one of the best photography videos I have watched to date. Great job


Coming back to this video after a couple of months and I have to say I love your point at 4:45. Back when I started dabbling in photography in college a decade or so ago before resigning myself to the iPhone ecosystem for the past few years I'd keep everything pegged at the widest focal length possible just because I thought putting more things in the frame made for a better contextualized picture, and phone photography has taught me to work around the wider default focal lengths. Now that I've got nice gear again and I'm recommitting myself to learning more, I'm trying hard to default to the tighter focal lengths when composing, and I'm really happy with what I've been seeing.

5:01 is just the perfect sequence to drive the idea home too. Great video!


I've been smitten with the shots I'm getting out of my old Nikon 180mm f2.8 manual focus lens, while many around me are using 50 and 85mm lenses. The look is so different and I feel like you explained what's been in the back of my brain for a while! Excellent video. You have a new subscriber. 😁


Finally a high quality video on YouTube. These are hard to find. I might be biased, but I do agree with shooting long looks wayyy cooler. The 15-50MM looks like a smartphone picture, no matter what camera it is. At least to me...

Oh and really love the font you used for the intro/outro


great guide to fitting right inside the box and being like everyone before you, hope the viewers venture out and learn by themselves more


I'm a car photographer. Have 24-70 and 70-200. I love using my 70-200. It makes me look more professional and the photos I show my clients are gorgeous.


When deep inside you knew it all but needed someone to summarize it for you! Great video!


I am an automobile detailer, who is now trying to learn how to do car photography. I need to learn it to promote my business. Thank you very much for showing me I need to spend some more money on lenses. LOL that 200 looks nice.


I shoot cars for listings as a hobby. My most used lenses are 35mm f1.8 for interior shots, 85 f1.8 and 80-200 f2.8 for exterior. All paired on my old D810


Struggling for a while now, good job for very detailed explanation sir!


I used these tips for my first time photographing cars, and in my opinion they turned out really well! I had to take fotos of cars for a school assignment, and wasnt sure of how to approach this homework. This helped a lot, and motivated me to shoot some more pictures of these machines in the future! Thanks


recently, i've been fininding tips on shooting cars and your video just popped up on my feed. i can feel something unique and genuine about you from the first 30 secs. subscribed!


I watch your vids before I go photographing. Motivational 😎🤙
