Insane Taekwondo Skills

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Footage from Team-M Taekwondo:

Music: TheFatRat - Monody


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When I first started, and had my white belt. I couldnt even remember anything when it was time for my promotion to move onto my yellow belt. Almost everybody cried on the plank, because where I go, you do it for 5 minutes. And after my first promotion, I felt like an idiot. And I wanted to quit. But after 7 years of training and my promotions. I got to help other beginners. And I got to be a camp counselor. And I felt good about it. When I got my black belt. I was proud that I had trained, and used my time to do what I could to get better, and improve. I'm an 18 year old btw. And my older sister has been in taekwondo about her whole life. And we enjoy being at taekwondo. For those beginners out there, don't give up, just keep trying. And soon enough, you'll have what you've been waiting for. You are amazing.💙💎☺️ *NO HATE PLS, AND THANK YOU FOR DROPPING BY*


Skills taekwondo learners earn

-Cardio muscular endurance
- reaction time


It’s such a shame girls weren’t commonly taught martial arts years ago, our bodies have a natural design to become extremely flexible over a short amount of time, and most of our natural strength is in our legs and hips. Would have been the perfect warriors for martial arts like taekwondo and kick boxing


I started taekwondo when I was 10, now i am 13 and I LOVE IT. i am now a black belt😁. and for those of u wanting to do taekwondo it’s not to late there was this woman who trained with me, she started when she was 43 and now she’s 46 and a black belt. so it’s never to late. it dosent matter what age u are, if u work hard u can complete anything❤️

Edit: For everyone in the comments saying that my black belt is fake, it’s not. In fact my black belt came from kukkiwon(headquarters of taekwondo) in korea, and i am a state champion. All schools are different but mostly in taekwondo there is no age minimum to get ur black belt. Atleast for the headquarters at taekwondo that’s how it is. For example kids in korea could get it as young as 5. and as they get older they progress to be rlly rlly good. For example the people in this video i’m guessing probably got their black belts at a young age which is why they are so good now at their age.
sheesh yall rlly gotta just hate on everything.


Bully: messes with an Asian kid

Bully: why do I hear boss music

Edit: Tbh I don't remember writing this comment ;-; btw sorry if I offended anyone I really do apologise for writing such a racial comment.
나는이 코멘트를 쓴 기억이 없다;-; btw 내가 누군가를 불쾌하게했다면 정말 그런 인종적 코멘트를 쓴 것에 대해 사과한다


Who’s here to be more inspired to train harder?


My dad was a black belt in Taekwondo as a teenager. It's so cool to know he could do all of this


Me : Thinking to perform this in front of everyone
Also me: lazily laying on the bed and watching it


The title should be
'Things i'll never learn'


Imagine. Your kicking a wood but u accidentally kick the arm


I remember watching this video three years ago when I was first starting Taekwondo. Whenever I rewatch this now, I remember the wonder that comes with starting your first martial art and learning something new every class.

Now, things feel quite different. I'm currently at 4th geup, which I achieved just as quarantine regulations were relaxed in my country. I still learn new things, but now it's more about perfecting what you know and developing nerves of steel.


who's here from *RENEWAL TAEKWONDO* *triple kick*

*the god of highschool*


Anyone else having regrets about how they spent their youth? I know I am right now


I’ve practiced taekwondo since I was 8, it’s honestly such an underrated sport, teaches discipline, respect and proper sportsmanship all at once


Taekwondo has discipline that's what I like about it.


Glad I decided to do taekwondo I’m a red belt right now.


90% of comments telling how much they love taekwondo
9.99% of comments telling what age and belt they are

0.01% spelling taekwondo right


I should stop watching videos like this they just make me depressed lol


Man, when I was little like 6 or 7 I was in Taekwondo. Loved it with all my heart and kept improving despite the bullying from other girls there. Heh, one of them happened to be the one that lost a sparring match to me while I was a white belt. 14 years old now and wanna go back so bad...


I just turned fifteen and I’ve wanted to do taekwando for a while but I felt like it was to late since most people start when they are very young but I decided that it was better late than never so I’ll start after summer break is over. I also started practicing nunchucks which is really fun. Just wanted to say that if you want to do taekwando of any other kind of martial art do it and don’t hesitate just because you feel like it’s too late. :)
