Introducing SolForge Fusion, Part 3: Should You Play?

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After a few streams of gameplay and exploring the card pool, we answer the most important question - who will enjoy playing SolForge Fusion?

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One thing that was interesting about the original digital game was that each creature had three different pieces of art, for each of the different levels. Sort of like what you see in Zimus or the Scorchmane Dragon. Spells, on the other hand, just had a single image for all three levels.

I assume there are costs reasons for not using the different art on most of the cards in this physical version of the game, but I miss seeing that evolution in each card.


You guys are always a top resource whenever I'm looking forward to a new game. Thanks for going so in depth on this game! I hope the OP gets going. I haven't been to a store (for an event) since 2019 😭😭


This is the type of game i picture walking into your new store with a friend, walk up, order a PItcher and packs special and then sit and play while enjoying some beer.


This is how they should have designed Pokémon


I'd love to see you guys jamming a bunch of games on a stream sometime.


I loathe deck building and find the time investment to the reward is daunting and unwarranted. Choosing two decks is the right amount of customization and of course the choice between which two colors and of those two colors, which deck of each color that I own will optimize is sufficient for me.


I've a question about the randomised nature of the cards, as it's implied *any* card can feature a degree of randomisation; I tend to learn and recall cards based on their artwork, so does that mean for instance deck-A may have a Gizmo with 'ability-x' and deck-B feature a Gizmo with 'ability-y'? That would be the biggest hurdle to adapt to for me.


Does the Booster Display include Minion cards, like the Starter? Are the necessary to play?
