MELAKA VLOG | Food trip weekend getaway, Jonker Street food galore, eating clams by the drain

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Destination: Melaka, Malaysia

Melaka (also spelled "Malacca") is a popular destination for a day trip or weekend getaway for many Malaysians, thanks to its delicious food like nyonya laksa and cendol! Also, the street snacks from Jonker Street — need I say more?

My sister and I met up in Melaka for an unwinding trip of just eating good food and the location of the hotel we stayed at could not be any more strategic! Definitely made it easy to be the first in line at the famous hidden cafe, The Daily Fix ;)

#melaka​ #travelmalaysia

Jonker Walk

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Hey! Great vlog! Im a foreigner who will be visiting Melaka next week and the part about the seafood market is really interesting. I have to ask if it is easy to communicate with the people there in English? i really wanted to try local food and the place u visited seems awesome. Hope you can help, thanks! Also, sorry to hear about your catcalling experience and good to know you are all okay. :)


Yasss! Catcalling is such a disgusting behaviour. Serves them right HAHA


I can't wait to bring my daughter to Jonker Street! She will be so happy with all these yummy looking food and drinks!!!


Nice places and nice vlog, you and your sis. Look everything's is yummy2...😋😋 and so long haven't been Melaka. Poor timing, getting catcalled while waiting for car but "Good guys go heaven, Bad guys go everywhere".. 😅 so it's common happened in every part of the world. Looking your next vlog again meanwhile stay safe, stay healthy. 😘


I miss melaka, like a lot 😭😭😭، nice vlog Naomi, and shame on them boys doing what they did ...


When to few places that in your youtube video also there in the night market. Didn't go the place for seafood due to late and not this month. Also go to Nancy's Kitchen which initially want to go to Simply Fish. Melaka is have a Magic of the Night event over the weekend and there is a show on the float platform on the river. Like the Nyonya food like the dumpling and cendol.


hey Naomi...thanks for sharing! tbh im watching vids only because im heading this way quite soon (next month)
my companion and I can be quite timid actually.
(with regards to catcalling) really hope nothing will happen to us..

I studied muay thai for 2 years but not very good in a fight
really hope can 平平安安go, 平平安安 come home! Appreciate being able to scout out Melaka via your vid...thanks again!!


Wow definitely trying the laksa the next time I head to Melaka, looks delicious! Also, normally if I am being catcalled I just make a disgusted face, gonna take some notes from Rebecca. BABI AH


Hello Naomi, I am enjoying your video. By the way, wonder where is the carpark since hotel at Timez Hotel. I believe Timez Hotel dont provide carparking spot.


Didn't go for fried oyster at the back street. Where is the stall?


Interesting. Is the cuddle fish deep fried? My grandma used to buy dried cuttlefish all the time. Was one of my fav snacks growing up. Yup, pretty disgusting behavior. I hope they learn their lesson.


11:08 I never understand catcalling. One, you won’t get any of the girl’s respect, just attention. Two, you’re making yourself look like an idiot. I always wonder what the end goal is. Hmm.


I could never digest the fascination of eating siham by the drain eventhough i am a local lol. Good attempt though. Next Vlog in Mlk, check out places which are less touristry


Take their bloody picture and post on your YouTube.😤


Agreed guys’ behavior shitty, but a confrontational approach may only reward you with danger should they decide to retaliate. It’s not a perfect world we live in and too many weird and sick people out there. Take care
