Linux Mint 20 Beta

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Today we will look at the changes in Linux Mint 20 beta:
-Colors did not change
-Dropped traditional panel
-icon updates in system menu
-Snap Workaround
-How to get Chromium

00:00 Introduction
00:52 System Tray Icons
01:43 New Theming Selection
04:30 Feren OS Traditional Panel Script
07:10 Warpinator Software
08:46 Snap Package Block and Reenable
11:43 Installing Chromium on Linux Mint
15:10 Installing Snap
18:28 Final Thoughts

Enable Snap Support:
in terminal, go to /etc/apt/preferences.d
Either delete the file or comment out the three lines of code with (#)

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Since Linux Mint created the Cinnamon desktop environment, I think they could've added the Classic window style (ungrouped windows list) within the Cinnamon Settings panel. So people could toggle it on if they want the classic style or the new style (grouped windows list). The same thing I'd do to the Color Accent and Dark Mode. These ones could've become only "shortcuts" in the Mint Welcome, so when you clicked it, it would open the Cinnamon Settings part where these specific settings are.
This is more coherent than adding everything to the Mint Welcome. The Mint Welcome should be only a place to show the users the main features instead of the place to manage them, directly. That is my point of view.


Here's another option to get Chromium as a deb... Using Pop!_OS PPA.


Ubuntu users: Complaining so much about Linux Mint's decision regarding snap
Linux Mint user: Very happy and cheering regarding Clém's decision


Very sad to see the lack of classic panel switcher within the LM20 Beta, as Linux is all about choices we don't get with Windoz.Maybe the Ferin script could be implemented as a community desklet, or Clem and team could reinstate one so that it stays somewhere within the GUI of LM? Also a shame about no Chromium install from the app store, for the reasons clearly explained. Again, it would be great to have a solution in the app store somehow, for new users, and to maintain the visible choices. I always look forward to your Beta reviews of LM Tom, and this one addressed and solved two main issues!


🙂 I gave Linux Mint 20 (with the Cinnamon desktop environment) a test run today and I loved it. I must admit, that it is pretty rock-solid for a beta.


I am using Mint 20 right now and I am very pleased with it.


Chromium? Why not just use Brave, Dissenter, or Vivaldi? All Chromium-based, all compatible with Chrome web apps/extensions/themes etc.


If you want the old look, just add the applet! Instead of "grouped window list" use "window list" and "panel launchers" for the quick launch... easy. Don't like foreign extra scripts.


I hope Linux mint releases Arch edition in future because i can't switch to any other distro which doesn't have AUR.

LMAE ftw


If like me, you prefer the traditional task bar over the pretty grim windows7 style, is there a reason you choose cinnamon over xfce? Mint 20 is looking like a great release though


If you don't won't to log out or reboot your system if item is not showing in menu, you can just disable and enable it again in menu editor (it's actually there in menu editor but for some reason it's not showing up).


Thank you for a thorough review of the new system. This is the Distro I have been waiting for over the years. It now does everything I need (which is nothing mission critical) but I love been able to customise my O/S. Have played with Linux over many years and in my mind this is 100% easier/more stable/more fun than Win 10... for me anyway. A must have Distro for someone on the fence about trying Linux. Roll on future updates.


Year 2020
Ubuntu : chromium deb to snap
Linux mint : chromium not found

Year 2022
Ubuntu: more debs to snap
Linux mint : no deb packages found


I installed Mint Mate on my test rig last night and it looks promising.


What those who are over the Software Manager and all those Apps and Desklets should have done was to update and make more modern apps and desklets. SM hasn't been updated in years. Still running apps like it's the year 2000.


That LM logo icon for the app menu is lookin' good. Now if the other icons had a matching height the theme would really come together.


Mint 20 looks okay. My big question is whether you can upgrade from Mint 19.3 when it is finally released or if a clean install would be best.
As for Chromium. I am not happy about it requiring manual maintenance re updates. I might not bother installing Chromium when the time comes and just stick with Firefox and standard Chrome. You don't need too many browsers anyway.
Chrome sets up a repository that enables updates when you install via a .deb package. How come Chromium can't do the same via its website? Are they just trying to push the snap option?


I am running Linux Mint 19.3 on my laptop and i'm wondering when Linux Mint 20 comes out when beta testing is done. Would I be able to just update my Linux Mint 19.3 to it? Or would I have to do a fresh install?


For some reason Linux does not pic up my microphone anymore, Works without problems on windows, I am on Manjaro but booted Linux mint from a live iso and still the same problem. Everything works accept the mic, :(


Linux mint 20 great!! I love flatpak Better sudo delete snapd I don't like.
