UNDERDOG MENTALITY - Powerful Motivational Speech (Featuring Marcus A Taylor)

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This is for all those who have been THE UNDERDOG most of their lives. Let them doubt you, let them talk down to you, let them laugh. The best fuel in the world is having the UNDERDOG MENTALITY! One of the BEST Motivational Speeches EVER featuring Marcus A Taylor.

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Marcus “Elevation” Taylor

Marcus is a sought after Transformational and Motivational speaker, pastor, film maker, singer and musician. He is also the CEO and creative director of Unlock Elevation, a forward-thinking transformational ecosystem that educates and empowers people from all over the world to unlock their future. Marcus is a lyrical architect on a mission to help millions build a bridge from dreams to reality through the gift and power of language.

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Secession Studios - Eclipse
Secession Studios - Phantasma

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#UnderdogMentality #Motiversity #MarcusATaylor
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There's NOTHING more dangerous
Than an UNDERDOG making a


“If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can’t hear them anymore.” I hope you all have an amazing day. Cheering you 🤍


I was homeless sleeping in abandoned houses in the dead of winter. I was a drug addict. I was gang affiliated. A high school drop out. I was an orphan. My father was raised on chicago’s Westside as a four corner Hustler. My mother a gangster disciple and a drug dealer.

Today I am a man of God, a husband, a father of two, working with and for a awesome company in the office answering phones on salary.

Today it’s been 7 plus years sense the drugs and gangs and cigarettes and pain n suffering.

Get after it! The lie that says “this is you”. Make sure you take its head with you after you cut it off so you never forget that lie that you overcame!!


None of you know me, I'm an aspiring powerlifter whose been training in the dark as hard as I physically can. And now im slowly starting to really become great at this. This video has been my greatest inspiration because all of my life I've been an underdog. They don't know me yet, but I promise you they'll know who I am when all is said and done.


I was in a bomb explosion in the military, 42 bones broken, spine shattered, organs damaged. Doctors said I may never walk again, definitely never run again, he was WRONG! It took years to fight back, it took years to believe it god willing I fought in Belator as a return. This video touches my soul


“If you don't build your dream someone else will hire you to help build theirs.”

― Tony Gaskins


"when you are desperate, You are very dangerous. And a dangerous man or woman is somebody who is a disrupter. They don't play by the rules, they are coming for the blood"


i showed this to my cat, now his a successful business man


When you get tired, its when you win.


"If you came from a place where you had nothing that's everything you need" If we understand this line trust me nothing in this world except Almighty can stop us!


Your story is not your fortress, your story is your fuel. Awesome awaken the lion in me.


People who doubt me now will regret it


I always been the under dog best thing u can do is keep fighting people will count u out, discredit your intellectual, they will think they are smarter than u, it alright sit back and keep grinding and best thing is being successful at the end of the day, and when u start smell blood in the air from the people who counted u out or didn't appreciate you fight even harder and keep pushing. Let god shine his light on those who have pure Intent and a good moral character, keep swinging everyone and swing furiously. 💪💎


Pretty sure those who watch this vid are all hungry for more. If not, trying to find that hunger for more. Whoever, wherever you are, stay hungry and don't let anyone get in your way.


It’s all about balance:

1. Be kind but don’t allow people to take advantage of you.
2. Allow yourself to trust but don’t let people abuse that.
3. Be content but never stop working to learn and improve yourself.


I have all what I need


wish nothing but greatness on all of us


The piece of the pie…… WAKE UP AND GO GET YOUR PIE PEOPLE!!!! It’s yours ! You deserve it, you’ve worked for it now to get it !!! I pray everyone in here gets whatever they’ve been working for 💪🏼


Failure gives me strength, pain is my motivation.


If you're reading this, I hope that day comes real soon where your wildest dreams come true. Where you finally feel that you are at peace with yourself and your surroundings. May your life be full of joy, strength, light, and ease. May you lead a life full of positivity and greatness. You got this. It's gonna get better real soon
