Real Video Production Co. | Room Tone Event Highlight - 'Imposter Syndrome'

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On February 16th, Real Video Production Co. hosted their 3rd edition of "Room Tone." This time looking a feeling a bit different, and held at nearby Public Bar & Rec.

The overarching topic for this particular event was Imposter Syndrome.
This event was also a follow up to the recently released conversation about imposter syndrome, with guest embodiment trainer & coach, Emily Poel. You can check out that video, here:

Room Tone is not a lecture, a masterclass, or a "shmoozy" event where we all exchange business cards and promise to "do lunch" and then never call each other again. Instead, this is a guided, but open discussion amongst all of us creatives in the room, with the opportunity to connect with other as potential collaborators, and spark inspiration to apply to your craft and the way you do business.

To stay up to date with future Room Tone events, or just to see what we're up to, sign up for our newsletter at:

We are thankful for everyone who came out to this event and spent their time sharing their experiences, being open and building up this community.

See you at the next Room Tone!

#RoomToneNWI #Publicbarandrec #berlin #germany #embodimentatwork #freelance #Indianaevent #videoproduction #filmmaking #entrepreneur #northwestindiana #NWI #creative #photography #cinematography #realvideoproduction
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