Five Facts About the Two Most Important Commandments (Part 1) | Little Lessons with David Servant

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In today's Little Lesson, we turn our attention to the commandments that Jesus said were the two greatest commandments, considering five irrefutable facts about these commandments. Ultimately, the purpose of this lesson is to help us examine ourselves to see how well we're doing at keeping these two greatest commandments. Learn more!

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Hello! Thank you for helping in my assignment! thanks..


To always tell the truth and never lie! Because the truth shall set the captive free! And chains shall be broken that has held them accountable from the wrong name!


I have been searching for a reputable preacher/pastor/teacher of the Bible for my entire life. I finally found it in David Servant. I wish he had a church near me, because I would join that church in a heartbeat!!!


The harmony and love of our God, our Jesus and our Holy Spirit is indeed irrefutably present in the scripture and its commandments. Thank you for sharing this video, grace upon grace be with you (25).


With regard to loving thy neighbor, I also like and appreciate Jesus' parable about *The Good Samaritan* when a lawyer, trying to justify himself, asked Jesus "who is my neighbor?". Sometimes it's easy to witness to a neighbor who is in equal stature and standing when it doesn't cost us, but in this parable Jesus said the stranger in need, the indigent person on the side of the road, the guy left for dead, that is your neighbor. This also lines up with the question that Jesus asked: --> For if you love only those who love you, what reward do you have? (Matthew 5/46) Jesus concluded the conversation with the lawyer by telling him to *Go and do likewise* (Luke 10/37) We obey Jesus' command and love our neighbor when we minister to the poor, indigent and downtrodden of society.


I suck at this at times .working in it .


Christians should try to remember to beware of the itching ears syndrome the Holy Spirit foretold about through the Apostle Paul in 2 Tim. 4:3-4. And possibly more importantly, they should beware of the teachers who feed the itching ears syndrome. Here's what those two verses say: "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine: but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."

This begs the question 'What are some of those fables?' I can think of at least three which are very popular now, the first being the 'God's Chosen People/ God's Chosen Real Estate fable. Another very popular fable is the rapturemania fable. Another somewhat popular fable is the flat earth fable. Another lesser known fable (but which seems to be gaining popularity) is that the Apostle Paul was a false teacher. Plus there are several other assorted 'special knowledge/special revelation' fables going around (e.g. 'Rabbi' Jonathan Con's 'The Paradigm' fable).

And then there's this to consider: When Solomon was a young man the Lord told him he was giving him an anointing to be the wisest man who ever lived, for all time. (1 Kings 3:12, King James Version). Many years later when Solomon was an old man, he made the statement that a fool's voice is known by multitude of words. (Ecclesiastes 5:3). In the previous verse (v. 2) he said: "Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon the earth: therefore let thy words be few." Then around a thousand years later the Lord's younger brother James wrote: "If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridles not his tongue, but deceives his own heart, this man's religion is vain (James 1:26). Then several years later the Apostle John wrote: "These things have I written unto you concerning them who seduce you. But the anointing you have received of him abides in you, and you need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teaches you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it has taught you, ye shall abide in him " (1 John 2:26-27).

Even after knowing all this, most of these YouTube religionists run their mouths as if their mouths are on steroids (I sometimes almost wonder if when they reach old age if they'll have to have jaw joint replacement surgery). Yet while they claim to represent the Lord they ignore these five verses. And so do their followers who have the itching ears syndrome who wait with bated breath to hear every word they have to say.

I think they're every bit as guilty for this huge spiritual discrepancy as the religionists are because they continue to follow these big-mouthed religionists even after knowing that the Apostle Paul foresaw that very thing would happen in 2 Tim. 4:3-4. With all this being said I think it's reasonable to conclude that Christians who flock to these religionists are in serious deception and should be ashamed of themselves for going along with it and not discerning it or challenging it (instead of gloating about how spiritual they are while throwing roses at the religionists in the comments sections of their worthless videos). I have a pretty good idea that these people are going to face a big comeuppance from the Lord for this misbehavior.


The two Commandments love God with all your heart and love your neighbour as thy self is basically a summery of the ten commandments and the law and the prophets hang on those two commandments as well, these two Commandments do not exempt you from the Ten Commandments nor the law and prophets. To love God is to obey his instructions all the way to the instructions he gave Yeshua, Yeshua came to finish the work by instructing the Pharisees how to keep the Sabbath and the other commandments correctly by raising the bar stating that just by thinking of breaking the commandments you transgress the law in your heart which makes you a sinner.
