Must Know Joseki - Basic 4-4 Approach and Answer

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This is an old video that I will likely remake in the future. The information is still useful, but AI has updated this joseki choice to include one more move. What is discussed here is still good, but lacking in modern info.

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I am guilty of making this mistake too. I actually just played it recently in my game lol. I know nothing but fighting so I think I will learn a lot from this series. Hope to see more! Thank you!


The 2:35 mistake happened in my last game! I was eyeballing that invasion, but I chickened out and made the mistake of invaded high which ended up giving white way too much including the loss of my invading stones, grr... Thanks for the video!


I'm glad you liked it! I wasn't sure if people would enjoy this, so I hope more people are of the same opinion!


Thanks for this- being around 8k I know the variations, but providing extra explanation regarding the weak point, and situational responses made it very useful- would very much like to see more of these for other joseki! :)
