FMF Quiet Insert Instruction Video

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This video will teach you how to properly insert a quiet insert into your existing FMF exhaust system.
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This would be very useful if fmf was able to keep products in stock


Is there a before and after to see how much quieter it makes the exhaust?


"Apply the spark arrestor decal"
ok buddy 😆


Too bad FMF inserts are NEVER available! I will never buy another FMF product again due to their crappy customer support and non-existent parts availability. They can't blame it on Covid either, this has been a problem for a decade..


Does the quite insert make your bike kinda like a silencer or more quite


Thin apply of copper paste on spark arrestor is far better than wd40 and carbon build up.


From where can I buy a quiet insert? Any links pls?


one design of your Q4 doesn't have ANYTHING to grab ahold of and remove the spark Advice??? Cuz I'm currently pissed off with messing with it with NOTHING WORKING!


Does this make the exhaust quieter? My exhaust is so loud it is making my ears ring and I need to quieten it down a bit


So is a quiet insert the same thing as a spark arrestor?


Does this work with my fmf 4.1 titanium because it has a small hole for a srew


Ich habe den fmf 4.1 titanium... geiles teil !

Nun zu meiner Beschwerde!
Ich habe bei meinem Auspuff Keine instalationsanleitung bekommen Wie ich den TB killer einbaue!
Habe im i net versucht irgendwas zu finden, keine Change!

Da dies nicht mein erster Auspuff von fmf war Habe ich mich trozdem heran gewagt und den tb killer installiert.
WD 40 zum schmieren verwendet reingesteckt, alles soweit gut, dann wollte ich den Killer wieder entfernen und was war, ich hatte 0 Chancen den tb killer aus den endtopf zu bekommen.

Endtopf hinten aufgemacht und versucht so den tb killer herauszubekommen, auch keine Change!
Auspuff war im Arsch nach 4 Stunden vergeblicher Entfernung vom tb killer!

Nun habe ich mir wieder einen neuen fmf 4.1 bestellt und dieses mal war eine Anleitung dabei ! Jedoch werde ich sicher nicht selbst diesen Killer einbauen sondern dies direkt von KTM machen lassen.
Bin gespannt wie diese den tb killer wieder herausbekommen.

Also so einen scheiss habe ich von fmf noch nie erlebt !


There could be a lot more information on your pipes I couldn't figure out if you could put a spark arrestor on a pipe or you had to buy one already had a spark arrestor does this quiet thing going all your pipes or does it have to come with the pipe you buy can you put it in afterwards you don't give the dimension of the tailpipe on any of your ads I can't figure out what parts works with what other part I bought a mini moto pipe for my 110 and I'm trying to find a spark arrestor for it but you give very little information about any of the products you sell making it impossible for me to buy anything from you I'll have to just make it myself I guess


You really big about your products you really could give the consumer more information most your pipes say they take the quiet cord you not


They're lying quiet core doesn't fit most of their pipes all their pipes say they take the quiet core but they're lying


Where can i get these quiet inserts? I have fmf powercore 4 exhaust for honda crf250l 2017!!!!


Mine did not go in that easy I had to use a hammer 😂 🤷


I don't think it was actually dirty...


I have the fmf 4.1 titanium ... horny part! Now to my complaint! I got no instalationsanleitung with my exhaust How I install the TB killer! I've tried to find something in the net, no change! Since this was not my first exhaust fmf I darzdem darzdem dared and installed the tb killer. WD 40 used to smear, all went well, then I wanted to remove the killer again and what was, I had 0 chances to get the tb killer from the end pot. End pot opened in the back and tries to get the tb killer out, no change! Exhaust was in the ass after 4 hours of futile distance from tb killer! Now I have another new fmf 4.1 ordered me and this time was a guide there! However, I will certainly not self-installing these killer but can do this directly from KTM. Let's see how they get the tb killer out again. So I have never seen such a shit of fmf!
