How To Vote Biblically 📖🙌✝️

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'For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. '

Psalms 139:13


💯 % TRUTH!!! Keep up the good work! Trump 2024!!!


In the case of hazardous pregnancies where the mother could die it is not Godly to exchange one life for another that may not even make it.


I'm not a religious person, however I agree with my Christian brothers and sisters. This current administration is evil


Trump 2024 and keep our Christian values!


Dude why am I getting these kind of videos- I’m not even Christian 😭


Make sure to get out and Vote Trump! God bless✝️❤️


God's hand is always on the steering wheel of our life. 🇺🇸. USA. 🙏 For our future & election.


This isn't Christian voting, Jesus said the most important law of Christianity was love and Trump hates everyone. Trump has also regularly harassed churches who aren't fans of him. If you've never felt the Holy Spirit call you to do something hard for you personally not just what would be hard for people who aren't you, or convinced you that some part of your belief or worldview isn't Godly then you aren't following Christ you just are pretending every one of your own thoughts is God. Start really listening to what Jesus is telling you, instead of just listening to every persuasive hateful person who makes random stuff up about the Bible and God like Trump constantly does.


I vote biblically of course I’m trying to elect a felon


I love this view and if I voted I would probably do the same. but also so many people get so caught up with trump that they forget to see his flaws as well. :⁠-⁠)


I’m already seeing a bunch of negative comments and I just want to say to just ignore those comments. Continue to spread the good message and keep pushing!
Edit: Also when I said keep spreading the good message I'm not saying that Trump is a good guy. I don't agree with a lot of the things he does but he is part of the Republican party, and the Republican party goes along with a lot of Christian values


all of this is false. also, I believe that jesus would want you to love thy neighbor and not try to impede the rights of other people simply because you do not agree with them.


This comment section is such a disappointment


mm yeah AWESOME advice!!! Listen to these two you guys!! 😂😂😂 Love it you guys!!!


But not everybody is a Christian and they should have the right to their religion. So of course I'm voting for democracy. Even though I'm a Christian. 😔


doesn't it say in the Bible that abortions are allowed in christianity? to save the mothers life if she will pass away in childbirth? and what about those who are raped, why should they be forced to carry that baby? You will do more harm than good in this world. Love thy neighbor and take care of them do not force them to be tormented like this. Its not like women love getting abortions, its not like they get pregnant and are like "wow I can't wait to get an abortion" its not an enjoyed thing its just a necessary thing for the safety of a person. As a christian I am saddened by your take on these situations, how much have you truly thought about the effects of your actions? Do our beliefs really have the right to overthrow everything that would keep someone safe and healthy just because? Would you really force others to step on hot coals whilst telling them they have to because not stepping on the coals is wrong and incorrect? Your statements light a fire in my heart and they make it heavy and sad. Along with the abortion ban being cruel its also not specific in some areas and is just said to be "removing anything from the ovaries" and many women get cysts that must be removed for there health and safety they aren't even aborting a baby and yet they may be prevented from getting care. Abortion is a scary thing there is no doubt in that but you personally have the freedom to carry out a pregnancy even if it kills you you can make that decision for yourself, but you will not force others to make that choice, you will not impede their freedom and choice. Yes America is a largely christian nation but we aren't the only ones who live here, others who believe other thing live here too because they are free to do so, a women should be free to choose if they want to get rid of a baby. I would rather have 100 healthy and willing mothers than 1000 forced into motherhood at young or impoverished or just wrong points in life, do you think so little of others that you believe someone would thoughtlessly get rid of a baby? We all carry burdens and if someone regrets something it is theirs to regret, it is simply a christians duty to love and care for those people through it all no matter the choices they make. and also "I vote for the right of the lives of women even starting in the womb" are you kidding me? Do you only care for the baby and not the mother? if you really voted for all women you'd vote yes on 4 to protect the women being forced into childbearing "but that child could cure cancer" yes and so could that woman besides most people don't do a whole lot with there life, how about instead of supporting lives that have barely even started you support the ones that are growing why plant a new field when you've barely seen what this one will yield? And stop using doctors and scientists as covers for your beliefs, is that baby less valuable if it winds up a painter or a drug addict? no its still a person it still deserves love, quite pushing expectations on people who don't even know what breathing or talking is


“I vote biblically, I vote to separate kids from their parents due to mass deportation and strict border policy”

C’mon guys. I get the whole christian conservative mindset (not really but y’know) but I don’t personally think Jesus would approve of voting in a literal fascist. Also, “thou shalt not let people of different genders use the same bathroom” wasn’t something I remember learning in Sunday school.


I vote biblically

For Harris and condemn the mass idolatry and worship of Trump which is incompatible with Heaven, the Scriptures, and forgiveness unless confessed and repented of. Haris and Abortion can be forgiven if they have faith in God while idolatry rejects the unique Lordship of Jesus and God altogether.


I live Biblically. Of course I am going to do all I can to protect those you have victimized and slandered as you tell others you are Biblical.
