Christian, You Are Free Not to Vote

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The right to vote in America is not a binding duty (without regard to other factors) for Christians in every election.

“The children are free.” We are free from human institutions. As citizens of heaven, we are not bound in every situation to participate in the processes of human government. This is not our homeland. We vote — if we vote — because the Lord of our homeland commissions us to vote. And he does not absolutize this act above all other considerations of Christian witness.

In this election, with the flagrant wickedness of both party candidates, the logic that moves from “Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution” (1 Peter 2:13) to the necessity — the binding duty — of voting, has lost sight of three things:

the radical meaning of the words, “for the Lord’s sake,” and how it relativizes all human authority and how it brings to bear many other considerations;

the radical freedom of the children of God from the inherent authority of human institutions like government; and

the aim of every citizen of heaven in all human engagements to display our allegiance to the values of another world.

I am not saying we are bound not to vote. I am saying that the children of God are free to hear the voice of their Master about how to best witness to his supremacy. I will vote. But I have no intention of voting for either of these presidential candidates.

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Kinda stumped by some of these comments. Christians are free not to vote and there is no denying that biblically. But if you feel compelled to vote, which probably most will, then vote. Some of you need to read up on what the Bible says about obeying your conscience and not imposing it on others when it comes to matters the Bible doesn't address specifically.


"everything is permissible, but not everything is


I don't know how many people think that the right to vote means that you have a moral Duty to vote. Imagine if you had Stalin and Hitler as your candidates and are told you must vote to do your civil duty or something like that. I think everybody should just pray about it and do what the Lord leads as best you are able to determine and leave others to make up their own mind. PS I am not suggesting that anybody not vote, but I don't think it's right to tell people they must vote either.


I knew I liked this guy. Piper stated what I would think that all Christians should know already. As a Christian how can you support a non Christian leader. Neither candidates showed fruit of being a Christian. Both show greed, hatred, deceptiveness, and pride. If the bible says pride goeth before a fall then what does that mean for Trump and if the bible says be sure your sins will find you out what does that mean for Hillary. Piper is the first white male Christian preacher that I heard who is not a Donald Trump supporter and I'm proud that he looked beyond government to dictate his actions. A true man of God. .


My brothers and sisters in Christ.. do you remember Daniel chapter 3..whats did our brothers do when they did not agree with the Governing body of/at the time?—Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego—who pay no attention to you, Your Majesty. They neither serve your gods nor worship the image of gold you have set up.”(and they also responded)16 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to him, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. 17 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us[c] from Your Majesty’s hand. 18 But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set In John 18;36 Jesus answered, "My Kingdom is not an earthly kingdom. If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom is not of this world." ....Remember brethren the Government is not our SAVOIR


I'm not from the US, may God bless my American brethren with discernment, wisdom and self-discipline this election.


"Our vow to the allegiance to the values of another world", I like that.


Amen, Pastor John! This was very liberating for me. I am a citizen of heaven, and I am free to act in such a way that I believe will witness most powerfully and effectively to the world.


There is no voting in heaven. A citizen of heaven will not vote for the King of kings will rule forever. God had already appointed the leaders of this world from the beginning of time. “The plans of the Lord will stand forever and the purposes of His heart through all generations” Psalms 33:11


Unless i have the leading and confirmation from the Holy Spirit to do so, then I will refrain.


Love this.

Just remember that voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil.


I am writing from Colombia South America and recently we went through an election to choose between approving the peace agreements between the goverment and the guerrillas, sadly we as God's people showed the world a bad testimony by being ungraceful and judgemental with one another, some sectors in the church wanted to approve the peace treatise and some others didn't want to, we have had this war for 52 years so trust me that election was very important, but the thing is nothing justifies being ungraceful and offensive to our brothers and sisters the church in my country is beggining to repent of it's divission over political issues, I urge you brothers and sisters, rest in God's control, do as you choose but please be graceful to those who disagree with you.


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” *Pick the lesser of the two evils.* Consider Supreme Court Justices etc.


I respect John's take here, but since when has there been two candidates (obviously speaking of rep/dem) that have been considered righteous in the eyes of the Lord? Can't think of any? My voting for secular officers is primarily governed by what candidate I perceive would maintain the continued liberty to promote and proclaim the Gospel. Yes, there are many other issues, but this is the primary one to me. At the same time, I can easily see how persecution of the church might do American Christianity some good. However, I'll let the LORD bring that in His good wisdom and timing. In the mean time I feel like I should seek to protect Gospel freedom so long as we have it.


I unregistered 8/3/2006. The fraud was beyond obvious to me then, and is much worse now.


It is so difficult for me to understand and at the same time my heart cries as I hear this because he completely ignores the fact that we need this president to have an opportunity to end the massacring of millions of babies. This is more than an election, its evil vs good. I believe that the ending of abortion will have a significant effect on the future of our nation. I strongly believe a revival will happen and more souls will come into the kingdom of God if we choose the right president.


I voted and also a citizen of heaven. I care about the land I currently live on in which the Lord God has blessed me with. God is supreme, unfortunately his kingdom has not come down in the new Jerusalem yet so I want to do my part in securing the current government until then. I will not go against my fathers kingdom, but will pick one that may honor him during thier current time of office.


It strikes me as odd how many who prophecy that God is using trump as his tool. I've prayed and meditated on this yet I am not hearing what others are. What I continuously revive is trust no man and keep my eyes and heart on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


Who's here in 2020? The video aged well, didn't it?!?!


I would encourage everyone here to check out Charlie Kirk’s response to this, titled _”You cannot be a Christian and vote democrat”_
