SOUTH KOREA vs NORTH KOREA - 2024 Military/Army Comparison

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For years now, North Korea has been strengthening its military to the point where it could be a severe threat to its biggest rival. And with “annihilation” on the horizon, the potential of war between North and South Korea is higher than it’s been in decades. Who would win if South Korea and North Korea went head to head in 2024? Find out in today's epic new video!


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Another benefit for the south is their military personnel isn't constantly on the brink of starvation.


There are no “Winners” in a nuclear war. Only survivors.


Remember the dramatic escape of the NK soldier who was the son of a general some years ago? When they screened him in the hospital, he was malnourished and had intestinal worms. If a general's son was in that state then I would hate to see how their common soldier would look like.


You left out that North Koreans are starving even the military. Defectors have said how their army is still using 1950's eras rifles. The big consideration is Seoul, its targeted by cannons and missiles from the North's border. They would have to evacuate Seoul first.


My father fought in the Korean War with the US Army from 1950-1953.


All the South Korea has to do is feed the North Korean troops and they will go to South


The problem with videos like this is that they rely on what the countries say about their militaries and does not take corruption into account
Everyone thought that Russia had the worlds second strongest military until they invaded Ukraine and the extent of their corruption and bad logistics became obvious
As another authoritarian country North Korea is going to have a lot of the same problems that Russia has
No one tells the dictator that they aren't as strong as they think


4:00 - This completely leaves out decades of starvation and malnutrition. The average South Korean man is 1-2cm taller and 1-2kg heavier than the North. The NK military gets priority for food, while civilians (especially children) starve. Those "paramilitaries" and "reserves" aren't much better off.
17:05 - It is only "surprising" to the naive that a bunch of baby butchers and war criminals with 150+ illegally obtained nuclear weapons also trades in illegal chemical weapons.


I'm sorry but this vid is pure clickbait. North Korea would be crushed in any act of aggression. Creating bullet points like "Ah, SK does have every technological advantage, but what about North Korea's millions of infantry?".... As if bringing up such a useless point has any bearing on the outcome.


1.2 million malnutritioned soldiers vs. 550k well fed and better trained soldiers.


15:23 bro that’s Japan not North Korea 😂


This story not accurate....Kim is much rounder in features.


NK basically has no air defense and no modern air force. Wars are "won" in the air, and SK would dominate that. It's the reason the Ukraine vs Russia war is basically a stalemate at the moment. Both have air defense capabilities so neither air force can get close to bring the hammer down. SK would easily be able to bring the hammer down to NK via fly boys.


We show North Korean people a McDonald’s and they will all join the south


I was stationed in Korea in 2004 and taught english at their military academy. It breaks my heart that South Korea would have to go to war. I asked my students all the time about their feelings on North Korea and they consider them their family. We should pray for the world right now.


In the early 2000's, I was stationed in Osan and I'll tell you this. Within a few seconds of missiles launched toward SK, there would be 100's of patriot missles launched north, which would eradicate Nk of all life. I'm sure 20+ years later there are far far more waiting for the moment to fly. When you land, it's obvious which way is North.


Why don't they just get some Tteok-bokki, grab some Soju and be friends 😂


This is inaccurate, South Korea has close to 3000 self propelled artillery unit, which not only is more than the North Korean total, but also is SIGNIFICANTLY more developed, considering 1200 of those are semi automatic artillery capable of shooting up to 6 round per minute, which is 6 to 12 times higher than most other artillery, and is significantly higher than North Korean artillery, which can fire an average of 1 to 2 round every 5 minutes. That's a total of 24 rounds per hour for North Korea vs 360 rounds per hour per artillery piece for South Korea. South Korea has the ability to shoot more shells in a couple of days than Russia in a Year...

Also, at 15:30, your arrows between Russia and alledged North Korea are actually between Russia and Japan.


Something that is unknowable at this time is the condition of the soldiers in the 1.2 M person army. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the soldiers are under fed and in ill health, because the government doesn't have the money to take care of their soldiers. There are stories of soldiers required to go on leave so they can find beans or rice to bring back to their units (they're expected to pay for it as well). So it is debatable how many of those 1.2 M soldiers would be able to fight.


19:28: That's the biohazard symbol my dude. The nuclear symbol is the one that looks like a fan. Weird since you got it right earlier.
