Stan Twitter: “I am a natural beauty. I just look damn good”

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Stan Twitter : 'I can't be your mother.'
Stan Twitter: 'Ma'am, I really don't know how to speak Japanese'
Stan Twitter: ' I am secured physically, emotionally and FINANCIALLY' ( not a rich kid any...
Stan Twitter: 'Girl, that's a Bo0tty h0l3'
stan twitter | trisha paytas saying “so do i think i’m transgender, yes a 1000%”
Stan Twitter : Gumball singing Jiafei song then flying
stan twitter: mhm, now that’s what I’m talking about
Stan Twitter: “I am a natural beauty. I just look damn good”
Stan Twitter - 'i am sick of it, i am sick of iiiit' ⚡⚡⚡
Stan Twitter: Girl tracing pen along lines and saying aaaah
Stan Twitter: Lisa Rinna m&m..🎶🎶what's after like🎶🎶 #stantwitter #lisarinna #meme #afterli...
stan twitter: ‘‘mm, mm, no ma’am’’
Stan Twitter: I am period uh you are period ugh
STAN TWITTER: Filipino Telenovela speaking english 💅
beyoncé - dumb, unattractive, overweight, unworthy, untalented | stan twitter meme
Stan Twitter: “Am I wrong?” YES!!
Stan Twitter: 'I'm straight'
STAN TWITTER: Filipino Telenovelas are so extra
stan twitter // i need to tell you something i think i am a homosexual also i am addicted to cocaine
Stan Twitter: TUUUH RENTTT I am so happy to see you
Stan Twitter: “Is Korean the same as being Japanese or not at all?”
stan twitter: i am… a white man’s w*ore
Stan Twitter: 'Uhmmm, yeah'
Stan Twitter : “it’s my way…or the highway” 😌✨😎🛣