What's a soulmate? | Free audio

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A soulmate isn’t just romantically involved this can also mean your sister, cousin, best friend, brother, mom, dad


this audio never fails to make me feel emotion, i truly wish to find my soulmate.
EDIT; found her!


"What's a soulmate?"

"It's a...well it's like a best friend but more. It is the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else, someone who makes you a better person, actually they don't make you a better person, you do that yourself. Because they inspire you. Soulmate is someone who you carry with you forever, it's the one person who...Who knew you and accept you and...belive in you before anyone else did, or when no one else would, and no matter what happens you will always love then. Nothing could ever change that."


My soulmate was my dog who died yesterday. I don’t know how to live without him now. He was a very important part of my life.


if they’re truly your soulmate... will they find their way back to you..?


A soulmate doesn’t necessarily have to be a boyfriend or girlfriend. A soulmate can also be your bff.
I have a Soulsister


"What's a soulmate?"

It's a...
Well, it's like a best friend, but more

It's the one person in the world who knows you better than anyone else.
It's someone who makes you a better person....
don't make you a better

You do that yourself
because they inspire you.

A soulmate is someone who you can carry with you forever.
It's the one person who knew you and accepted you...
believed in you before anyone else did..or when no one else would

and no matter what happens...you will always love them
Nothing can ever change that.


i found him. out of the blue, on the internet, on the other side of the world. he's saved my life, he's made me laugh, we've cried through the hard times, he means the world to me. im so grateful i found my partner in crime


Instead of talking about your fandoms and shit can we just talk about how amazing and accurate this is?


Heard this about 3 years ago the first time. And....well, I was like "Ph, nice text.". And now I'm sitting here, crying, 'cause I know exactly who this text means for me.
I love this girl.


Can we stop talking about ships and fandoms for a sec and just appreciate how beautiful and accurate this is?


The worst part about a soulmate is when you feel you’re losing them to someone else .


this sounds like it could be in a movie


were slowly drifting apart and I can feel it. That hurts the most.


Most people would think of their significant other or maybe their bestfriend while listening to this, but a small amount of people would think of themselves, like me, I am my own soulmate. No one has been there for me, except myself. You might thing it Sounds narcissistic But self love and narcissism are two completely different things.


I once met this boy on the internet, we had literally everything in common and was exactly what the meaning of a soulmate means, we both felt so much and wanted to meet, were talking for months every single day on call but at the end we stopped talking because we have our lifes and this was taking too much of our time. I miss him so much and the last few times I texted him he was busy with problems he has.I wish I could just go meet him, I had other relationships after him and IRL but no one is like him. I think I really love that person and I can't ever get over him even tho a year passed already

Edit: wow i didn't expect this to get so much attention.. thank you for sympathizing and sharing your stories. I hope things get better for everyone.


If there is anyone who will see this message, I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for not making anymore of these audios since this one. I am currently working on a few ones that I hope will be uploaded as soon as possible. Also I wanted to thank you all for using it. There is absolutely no need for asking for permission, just credit me and I am happy. And please share your finished work with me, I would really love to see it! I wish you all a great summer and I will see you again soon <3


"We're family. We need you. I need you."


I closed my eyes

I was back in the hospital that day

I looked around

The flashing lights

People running around me

Looking through the glass to see Yarn in the hospital bed

I covered my ears with my hands and felt my knees give out as I sunk to the ground

Tears poured down my face

beep beep beep

"Its okay Yarn I promise I will protect you."

I squeezed their hand tight

"We need you to leave."

"Bye Yarn"

I turned around and rushed out of the room

That was 10 days ago

Now i'm kneeling on the floor trying to block out all aspects of life

They say when your soulmate dies all the color leaves your life

Ever day is more dreadful than the last and you wont ever be complete again

beep beep beep

he beeps stopped.

I looked up to see a nurse rush to their side.

my eyes were so foggy i couldnt see anything accpet the fact they were gone.

There gone.


I fell in love with this...started to cry but fell in love. I cried because I noticed I won't be able to find this for a long time. It's amazing how hard this hit me...its quite a beautiful piece, thank you for sharing this with us. :)
