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I wanna say thank you for inspiring me to be a drummer. As a kid I was always scared on how my friends would think of me with drums. So I just started watching you and has seen you with kids and it made me stand up and let my friends see how I play. So thank you for everything!


I’ve been watching you since I was 11 years old and now I’m 20 which is surreal, I owe so much of my love for music and drums to you (I’m originally a piano player but you inspired me to pick up the sticks as well) you’re definitely one of my biggest inspirations 🙌🖤


For me, Remo drumheads get me to the sounds I hear in my head more than the other brands. I was an Evans fan when I was a kid though and they do have some standout products.


... because the Evans endorsement was more lucrative?


I, too, exclusively played Remo up until the UV2's came out. They really are a game changer in terms of durability and tone. I switched out both my personal kit and my church kit with the exact same combination.


I play EVANS cause of versatility, durability, and also something unique...a great near-field sound from behind the kit! I played some Ambassadors Clears, and from an "at the kit" perspective, Ambassadors just did not have as much tone as my personal EC2 Clears. Also ease of tuning is important when messing with a couple of lugs, when tuning lower, or higher for certain songs, Evans seem to be more receptive to different muffling devices as well!


Whoever sees this comment u are the greatest drummer u were the first drummer I saw on YouTube u have a passion heart and all u do and make my day of whatever u do!!!! U inspired me to do drum covers i been watching you for about 3 years now and all I do Is smile from watching you


Anyone who's never tried AQUARIAN, please try them out, esp the super 2s & Response 2s, great heads! Underrated!


the EQ3 kick drum head is by far my favorite head for a kick. I tune it up insanely high and place a light pillow against it while tuning the eq3 reso really low.. tons of attack and PLENTY of low end. couldn't recommend it enough.


Evans makes great heads and even as someone who exclusively played remo, when I was in sales I'd sell the Evans because they were easier to tune by a mile. I told every newer player buy a set of ec2s. even if you fuck up they'll sounds great. but I've always found that when tuned proper Remo sounds better and can't be beat, especially in studio applications. but tuning is hard lol


I switched to Evans years ago. One of the biggest things I noticed is that the evans heads sit flat on the bearing edge and dont slide around like Remo heads do. I believe this is one of the reasons Evans heads are easier to tune. Have had nothing but great luck with Evans heads.


I love evans heads and you’ve made a good choice, for me personally though after years of playing evans I went back to Remo and for me remo are the drumheads I need and love. I just get the sounds I want outta my kit and I’ve never had a single issue with them.


I bought a Pearl session elite kit from the 90's and I'm gonna try the UV2 heads for my first go around. Crazy to find a video with a 90's Pearl kit that s a few steps up, the same week that I'm putting new heads on is just the magic of the internet..


I switched to Evans sometime ago... I just felt they offered something different and better over Remo. Still, in the end it is just a preference.

Yes PlayerPoints are great "free stuff" 😁


After years of using Remo, then trying Evans and Aquarian when I started to get dissatisfied with Remos quality and lack of customer service, I finally decided to invest in Evans heads!!! I have EC2’s on one kit for a more focused sound and on the other kit I went with the UV2’s. Man, I couldn’t be happier with the sound and feel of my drums now!!! Not to mention that new Heavyweight HD with the UV coating is incredible!!!


Bro I made the switch back in 2000. Man my Yamaha Oak Custom kit has all UV1 and G1 resos EMAD and EQ3 on the kick, My Recording Customs have the same bottom heads with same kick set up and clear hydraulics on tops, My Tama Swingstar is setup the same as my oaks, I went crazy with my DW acrylic 7pc toms 8-14 have black chromes topside and black resonant 720 on the bottoms UVEMAD floor on the 16 with black resonant 720 also. UVEMAD and EQ5 on the kick UV2 with hazy 300 and pure sound custom snare wires. EVANS HEADS ALLDAY LONG 💪❤💯


I used to play Remo cause that was all that was available in my area. When we finally got Evans I never touched anything else again. They just sound so good. Especially for me back in the day before my tuning skills were up to snuff.


Love this video! Some drummers will not share their head choice. Some don't even realize that half of their sound issues are drum head choice.


The genera dry snare head is the best sounding drum head I've ever used!! I've tried all the different Tom and kick heads, but I always stick with the genera dry snare head. The tunability, the natural dampening and crispness I can't find anywhere else


I played Evans for years but switched to aquarian. I love the aquarian Focus-X coated, I haven't found a head that provides the same amount of warmth and tone

I still use the Evans EMAD kick though
