Scarlet Witch: Things You Didn't Know

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Ah, Wanda Maximoff – whether she’s manipulating the minds of heroes, villains or entire towns, or just having really uncomfortable feelings for her brother, she is an endlessly fascinating Marvel character. So for this video, we’re digging into all sorts of facts and deets that a lot of folks might just not know about their favorite world-endangering sorceress! For example: her victims! Wanda’s most horrifying kills are the accidental ones from the Decimation storyline, which is basically just the ramifications of M-Day, which was the moment in House of M when Wanda just kinda decided “hey, no more mutants.” Literally, that’s it. She says the line and POOF! Essentially all mutants across the globe lose their mutant abilities. For many this was a pretty big deal, but for others it was fatal. I’m not gonna dig into all of ‘em, but Jeannie Martin, a character admittedly just created for this arc and only shown in the issue of her death, is the one that I dunno… just kinda freaks me out. Her mutant ability is just having a really strong neck, which is great ‘cause her neck is one meter long – it’s kinda like how Wolverine’s mutant power is regeneration and he also happens to have those really rad claws. On M-Day she lost that strength and her neck broke, killing her… obviously. It’s a grotesque image, and a perfect encapsulation of the Scarlet Witch’s horrifying powers.
In fact, Wanda Maximoff is often noted as the most powerful character in the MCU… and that makes perfect sense, as she is a pretty close representation of her comics counterpart, who is more powerful than the likes of Ego, Thanos, and there’s even an argument to be made that she’s more powerful than the Celestials – although that’s, like, a whole other video to try and nail down. In the comics, characters like Death, Oblivion, and the Fulcrum would wipe the floor with Wanda. But they’re also hella OT – heck, the Fulcrum is an Eternals baddie that’s basically a god. That kinda tells you how powerful she is – we’re bringing up freakin’ GODS. Jean Grey in the form of Dark Phoenix would theoretically also be a threat, but again – it’s not a definite W for either party. That all said, as can be seen when Hawkeye subdues her in Civil War or later when she gets briefly taken down by War Machine – hell, just that whole battle in general – the issue with Wanda is that she is extremely fallible in other ways. Still, when she puts her mind to it, and y’know maybe goes a tad insane, she can easily be the most devastating force in the multiverse, which uh… yeah, I guess we’ll see how all that pans out.
0:00 MCU Backstory Change Up
2:06 X-Men Villain
2:28 Killed Some Avengers
3:32 Most Powerful MCU Character
5:27 Immaculate Conception
6:49 Nanny Cow
8:45 Murdered By Magneto (But Not Really)
9:45 The Pretender
10:26 Hawkeye Lovin’
11:08 Stopped by Doctor Strange
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Written by: Michael Keene
Narrated by: Michael Keene
Edited by: Michael Keene