Scarlet Witch: Things You Didn't Know

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Ah, Wanda Maximoff – whether she’s manipulating the minds of heroes, villains or entire towns, or just having really uncomfortable feelings for her brother, she is an endlessly fascinating Marvel character. So for this video, we’re digging into all sorts of facts and deets that a lot of folks might just not know about their favorite world-endangering sorceress! For example: her victims! Wanda’s most horrifying kills are the accidental ones from the Decimation storyline, which is basically just the ramifications of M-Day, which was the moment in House of M when Wanda just kinda decided “hey, no more mutants.” Literally, that’s it. She says the line and POOF! Essentially all mutants across the globe lose their mutant abilities. For many this was a pretty big deal, but for others it was fatal. I’m not gonna dig into all of ‘em, but Jeannie Martin, a character admittedly just created for this arc and only shown in the issue of her death, is the one that I dunno… just kinda freaks me out. Her mutant ability is just having a really strong neck, which is great ‘cause her neck is one meter long – it’s kinda like how Wolverine’s mutant power is regeneration and he also happens to have those really rad claws. On M-Day she lost that strength and her neck broke, killing her… obviously. It’s a grotesque image, and a perfect encapsulation of the Scarlet Witch’s horrifying powers.

In fact, Wanda Maximoff is often noted as the most powerful character in the MCU… and that makes perfect sense, as she is a pretty close representation of her comics counterpart, who is more powerful than the likes of Ego, Thanos, and there’s even an argument to be made that she’s more powerful than the Celestials – although that’s, like, a whole other video to try and nail down. In the comics, characters like Death, Oblivion, and the Fulcrum would wipe the floor with Wanda. But they’re also hella OT – heck, the Fulcrum is an Eternals baddie that’s basically a god. That kinda tells you how powerful she is – we’re bringing up freakin’ GODS. Jean Grey in the form of Dark Phoenix would theoretically also be a threat, but again – it’s not a definite W for either party. That all said, as can be seen when Hawkeye subdues her in Civil War or later when she gets briefly taken down by War Machine – hell, just that whole battle in general – the issue with Wanda is that she is extremely fallible in other ways. Still, when she puts her mind to it, and y’know maybe goes a tad insane, she can easily be the most devastating force in the multiverse, which uh… yeah, I guess we’ll see how all that pans out.

0:00 MCU Backstory Change Up
2:06 X-Men Villain
2:28 Killed Some Avengers
3:32 Most Powerful MCU Character
5:27 Immaculate Conception
6:49 Nanny Cow
8:45 Murdered By Magneto (But Not Really)
9:45 The Pretender
10:26 Hawkeye Lovin’
11:08 Stopped by Doctor Strange

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Written by: Michael Keene
Narrated by: Michael Keene
Edited by: Michael Keene

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Do you think Scarlet Witch will reach her full potential on the Multiverse of Madness?😍


Always a huge fan of Wanda ever since before her MCU debut. Just glad that Marvel finally is giving her the spotlight that she deserves.


I'm a huge fan of the Scarlet Witch she has the Best storylines in comics ever I hope she gets her own trilogy someday that would be epic


Wanda now has access to unlimited powers from the Darkhold, which makes her even stronger from her reality warping chaos magic. This amplifies her already powerful magic together with the piece of the mind stone inside of her. The Scarlet Witch is literally a nexus being capable of rewriting reality on a universal scale, access to multiple dimensions, manipulate probability to her favour, and transmute matter including Thor’s lightning. Her chaos magic exceeds that of even the Sorcerer Supreme.

Current comic book Wanda also absorbed the Darkhold, making her in control of the Chaos God Chthon and his powers which grants her immense powers.


Wanda's powers make her one of the most powerful beings in any version of the Marvel Universe she's in. Her weakness is relying too much on her powers which often allows less powerful opponents to gain the upper hand.


scarlet witch is definitely hands down my favorite female hero....over wonder woman even. love the story arc that wanda has in the mcu, her powers are badass and Elizabeth Olsen is jist such a gem in the role


What makes The Scarlet Witch the best mutant is not her power but how complex she is. She isn't fully good or fully evil, she's complicated, selfish and impulsive which a lot of people can relate to. There's nothing supernatural about the way she thinks, if that makes sense.


Im so excited for multiverse of madness!!! :DDD also like 12 people wrote first lol


So in other words, he's fast and she's weird.


if you think Wanda is already powerful after WandaVisiom wait until she light candles and do demonic stuff. I will support her whatever the queen give to us.


*Who else appreciates the fact that he uploads consistently?* ☃️💕


She’s also more powerful than Sorcerer Supreme said by Agatha Harkness in WandaVision also mentioned by someone in Doctor Strange 2


I just finished WandaVision and what left me questioning what role she'll play going forward was her lack of remorse for what she did to that town. Was this a misstep on the writers part-still trying to make her look like a victim of her own powers or someone who doesn't have as much capacity to care about those who are effected by her powers? She told Vision that she could control him when he confronted her. She didn't let go of the town until her battle with Angus and everything became unstable. Wanda only seemed remorseful when she was being confronted by the townies and then she attacked them again. And then the whole "they'll never know what you sacrificed" was just an insult (to the audience and Monica Rambeau's character). Um actually they do-everyone knows what happened and they experienced her grief. Will Wanda know what kind scars she left on that town? Does she care or is her grief too important?

Again I wonder if this is just bad writing or a hint that she'll continue to disregard others to meet her needs. And yes I don't think that she meant to do harm at first but also she didn't really take any responsibility or try to make an amends. She just slinked away and is chilling in her cabin.


After Multiverse of Madness I want to see Wanda get the chance bond on screen with Polaris because that's something that has hardly been done in the comics and they would look so good next to each other.


An insider of multiverse of madness said Wanda will be the villain and she will fight Dr strange and won I am so excited to see the fight


I know im super late but I just finished Wandavision and I'm officially obsessed with the MCU again after years and esp obsessed with Scarlet Witch. cant wait for that dr. strange movie!


I want Wanda to go house of M
Atleast for once


The backstory of wanda and her brother is realllly confusing in the comics. Like there are so many people who could be thought of as their real parents but it's very confusing.


I love Wanda, I hope they treat her character well in the MCU, compared to comics


Scarlet witch is like the female version of Legion given they're both extremely powerful and unstable mentally when under extreme stress and I can relate minus the powers sadly
