Using 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor Push button Speed with 8 projects: Ultimate Video Tutorial Lesson 107

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In this lesson we learn how to use 28BYJ-48 with 8 practical projects. First I introduce the mini motor, the driver board chip and the datasheet. then we learn about waveform and how it controls the motor then we have projects. We will use push buttons to control the motor, direction, speed and revolution and finally in project 8 we will use potentiometer or variable resistor to control the speed of the motor.

Project 1: Running motor
Project 2: Controlling stepper motor from Serial Monitor
Project 3: Controlling stepper motor using push button STPB-1
Project 4: Controlling using push button STPB-2 keep pressing
Project 5: One Revolution using push button STPB-3
Project 6: Push button Any Angle and speed STPB-4
Project 7: Use multiple buttons to any angles STPB-5 angle, speed and direction
Project 8: Controlling Stepper Motor using potentiometer

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Click on the player timeline to select different chapter
00:00 Start
02:03 Introduction to stepper motor
07:40 How motor is controlled
13:08 Wiring explained
15:43 Project 1 code
20:12 Project 1 demonstration
22:23 Project 2: Controlling motor via Serial Monitor
32:03 Project 2 Demonstration
43:13 Project 3: Controlling using push button STPB-1
35:48 Project 3: Wiring explained
37:45 Project 3: Code explained
39:59 Project 3: Demonstration
41:07 Project 4: Controlling using push button STPB-2 keep pressing
42:29 Project 4: Wiring
45:31 Project 4: Code
49:38 Project 4: Demonstration
51:20 Project 5: One Revolution using push button STPB-3
52:15 Project 5: Wiring
55:40 Project 5: Code
1:03:30 Project 5: Demonstration
1:05:48 Project 6: Push button Any Angle and speed STPB-4
1:07:43 Project 6: Wiring
1:11:04 Project 6: Code
1:17:34 Project 6: Demonstration
1:20:18 Project 7: Push multiple buttons to any angles STPB-5 angle, speed and direction
1:21:40 Project 7: Wiring
1:25:35 Project 7: Code
1:32:43 Project 7: Demonstration
1:39:24 Project 8: Controlling Stepper Motor using potentiometer
1:40:58 Project 8: Wiring
1:44:04 Project 8: Code
1:53:19 Project 8: Demonstration

Tutorial by Ahmad Shamshiri form Canada

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Nice video and nice way you explain everything. I was looking at the cw, ccw, stop button. Can that be married with a potentiometer for direction change? Thanks again. Good work.


Hi sir. great video . I have a problem in project 8 . My stepper motor is vibrating and not turning . Any solutions ???


Thanks once again for such informative video, im halfway watching it and cant resist to write this.
Im just thinking to use stepper motors to control sunshade cover/uncover (made of cloth fabric) at my home pergola, so i have few questions.
1. Can we make maximum steps a motor can run in CW or CCW? so tht when we press CW/CCW button the motor should only run for predefined maximum steps and then stop automatically.
2. In my case, i will need two motors to run synchronized in such a way when i press CW button the First Motor should run CW and other Second Motor should run CCW and vice versa.
3. It would be nice if you make this project in real and share everything related to coding or hardware stuff.


Hi Mr Shamshiri, I used your code for project #5 with NEMA17 and L298N driver to do the same job as you did in project #5. But, my project did not work as you demonstrated in your video. Do you have any suggestion to fix this issue? My stepper motor is making noise but is not moving in any direction; my switches are working, I checked the wiring of my stepper motor with its driver and nothing seemed wrong with that. I appreciate your help.


Great work man, i loved it, the code is helpful. Keep making more videos. How can we connect two stepper motors and multiple push buttons with led display such that, when i press A push button, the number should increase in display and when i press B push button, the number should decrease, and when i press start/stop button, the stepper motor has to rotate those many times as the number in the display?


can the control for a DM542 be used for larger stepper motors?
continue o Robo, track your projects.
A control for photovoltaic solar tracking would be great.


In the project 3, i copied the code and driveStepper, when I compilate, the down thing say "driveStepper was not declared in this scope" how can I fix it? Thanks


how to control steps movements, like lets say we have 400 circular points to move one by one and i need to move pointer in following example sequence starting from 0->10->240->45->28-> -> 400 . How can we automate this ..


Dear Mr. Shamshiri engineer, please include the control tutorial for 2 stepper motors and push button،Thanks


Project 5 on this I’m having a problem with. So i hooked everything up exactly to your diagram and copied and pasted the coding and it works. Until….it randomly turns itself on every 30 seconds and then spins for exactly 38 seconds and stops. Any idea what is wrong with it?


Hello, I am using project 4.

How would i transfer this circuit to a pcb, i have tried to do it myself and i think i killed the controller board ?

Is it only used on the arduino uno's as i tried to connect to an arduino nano ?

I am trying to use the 2 button control.

After re-connecting through the breadboard, it now comes up with "drivestepper was not declared in this scope", and i copied the code from yours and included the stepper library. When i very first hooked this up, it worked perfectly and now it doesn't. Is there something that i am missing ?

If you like, i can take a screenshot of the error for you to view.

Your help with this would be greatly received.


Project 4 2 button control - I have setup the exact same way that you have and it works perfect. If i wanted to setup a second motor running from the same arduino, what things would i have to change. i did set the second one up using the same wiring but on different pins on the arduino (obviously), when i went to change the code, it came up with an error. i have since then gone back to one motor on the arduino. all the help you can give me, would be very much appreciated. i do not know much about coding as yet but i am working on it, bit by bit. The project that i will be using it for is push button to open up 2 light doors on a shelf that i have.


Sir how much external power supply can i provide ???


There’s something wrong with your code on #5. It randomly turns on every 30 seconds for 38 seconds. Please help.


Wanting top change a standard toy dc motor with a 28byj-48 or similar. Model train transfer table. Problem is the stepper as is with 64:1 is way too slow. Can I use the 28byj-48 without the gearbox? Are they available without gearbox? Not a big load to drive. Thanks


Hello, Again thank you for your videos and past help.
I have got my project working as i wanted, but my next question can i run 2 steppers with one arduino? I just want to use the one button i have got working with limit sensors, but i want duplicate on another stepper and limit switches but still all controlled with the one button. I am using a Nano every.
many thanks


can you help with using a "rocker" switch in place of the 3 button. Rock up to move motor 1 direction, center to stop the motor, Rock down to move motor opposite direction. then when let go, it goes back to center for stop. Add hall effect sensors to both ends of "ball drive screw" to set limits. Using the Stepper Motor Driver DM542T. Can you help with this specific programming and wiring diagram? I will purchase for the work.


Hello sir! You made a very good and useful video. The examples you have shown are great. Can you help me with an example. I know this will be simple for you and will take you almost no time. Can you share some code where on start the arduino the motor returns to home position (hall sensor will be used as a limit switch) then on a button press the motor goes 200 (for example) steps and stops. After pressing the same button again, it will return to the home position. I would be grateful if you could help me with this example. Greetings


what if we want to try same projects with micro stepper tb6600 + Nema17, 200, which runs by 2 poles signal only, will change in pole(s) section of code make Nema to works as 28BYJ-48 like your projects? thanks for your time.


although disable ENA pin and Pul pin, the step motor cannot stop immediately . Please tell me the reason why it cannot run PLEASE Sir.
