Sam Fender on Hypersonic Missiles and why he cares about mental health and climate change

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His first album 'Hypersonic Missiles' debuted at number one.

He speaks to Matt Frei about the divorce present that started his career and how his song 'Dead Boys' helped to save a fan's life and has opened up a conversation about mental health.

The musician from North Shields also explains the dystopian world in his track 'Play God' and the powers above the Government that pull the strings.


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I've never been so struck by someone in my whole life he's amazing ❤️


“I’m not politically eloquent” is actually a very humble, intelligent and politically eloquent quote…he’s a top lad 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿👍


My brother took his life. Thanks to Sam for sharing this. My dad is from Marden estate and finds some comfort in your songs.


What a wonderfully self aware, humble young talent.


The meanings behind the album are fab. Sam is truly years ahead, wonderful stuff. Just pure from the heart from a normal working class lad. A real one, I hope he doesn't change!


And yes your music saved us too in this ugly world. Much love Sam Fender ❤️. You beauty


I fucking love him so much! Everytime I hear him talk about that Dead Boy's story, I'm touched.


What a beautiful and eloquent young man


20 year old kid from the North East, Quality, am a fellow North Easterner and am so proud of my roots, I regularly stay all over the UK but always love coming back home, it is God's Country my beloved North East, countryside only 10 minutes away same as the beach, and my kin, throw in the football and music and what else would anyone want outta life, (a whole lot more given it's human nature to take what we've got for granted 😀, & to assume the grass is always greener elsewhere even though it never is)


it's fascinating that young people like Sam are absolutely right about their gut feeling of injustice and opposing warmongering, yet they feel the need to distance themselves from their message, call themselves 'kids' and say that it's all probably conspiracy theories - mate, the missiles, the wars, the bombings are not theories, they're real. you're not wrong, stop doubting yourself and apologising!


He is brilliant !! My Son is a guitarist, fresh out of University. We got him a little Peavey, just a shade shorter neck, he also got peavey practice amp & a gig bag. Nice little bundle and yes he still has it. I have it at the moment, I've played it myself, when I used to play that is. Not anymore.
I love your debut album & you from the North East like I am.
You have a very distinctive voice and I love how you alter it within the songs, I think your awesome 😁👍👍👍👍👍👍


Wow I'm so happy to have come across this! I listened to his new stuff last month, loved it but didn't have any idea this other album has all the power! Sam! You are a star! Making waves! Go with that! I beg of you- The sax says so! I heard this album today I'll have to give it more plays for you & our collective SOUL! I'm getting very cancerian vibes but can't tell if I'm just love struck seeing him as the boy i have a crush on.."two people" is what brought me here I'm at that cross roads where i shouldn't go, gonna watch both new versions of pinocchio! He's a real boy! Giving me real vibes! But it's not gonna work out i just know it!.. cowboys raised in a bar & when he says he'll "scare [me] away" my curiosity burns like a moth to a flame. Thanks for the beautiful sounds man. We'll be listening to you on patsy cline birthday, just waiting for better weather- get it. Yeah the Mother Nature births babies like him for a reason. Hope everybody is paying attention.. that old patriarch to the right. Sam you do what is right! Coming to that one interview all drunk! This is pure painters ART


How can anyone dislike this???? Well done fella keep it up lad 😉


Sam Fender one of the nicest human beings. A very mature, humble and eloquent interview. What an inspiring young man


i only know like 3 of this dudes songs and only clicked on the vid to hear what his accent sounded like why am i crying


Why do people take white privilege the wrong way he’s only writing what he’s saying the song flipping amazing 🙌🏻🙌🏻x


i closed my eyes and actively listened. love his songs, futures' good with good people who share these values.


IMO one of the best singer/songwriters of his generation


It's really interesting watching this interview - SF handles it really well and his answers are very thoughtful and insightful... Which is more than could be said about the interviewer's line of questioning. The questions are *so* obtuse - I don't really know if the journalist's idea of a good interview is to try and throw their guests off, all in the name of 'good telly', but the questions felt really on the nose!


"He's a big lad, he's a bonny lad and he likes his beer and they call him Sam Fender and he's top class no fear" C.Butterfield.
