May 2023 Batch Graduation Day - Jovian Data Science Bootcamp

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You are cordially invited to attend the graduation day for the May 2023 batch of Jovian's Data Science Bootcamp. Over the past eight months, participants of the program have spent 600+ hours learning data science & machine learning and building real-world projects. Join us to congratulate the graduates and celebrate the fantastic work done by the Jovian community.

- Keynote - 15 minutes
- Participant Presentations - 45-60 minutes
- Closing Remarks - 15 minutes

Graduates will present the projects they've worked on during the bootcamp to an audience consisting of industry experts, data science recruiters, and the Jovian community.

Host - Aakash N S

Aakash is the CEO and co-founder of Jovian. He holds a degree in computer science and mathematics from IIT Bombay. Aakash has worked as a software engineer at Twitter, Ireland & San Francisco. Courses taught by Aakash have 1.5 million+ views on YouTube.
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Good evening, how can I register for the data science bootcamp, it happens that I entered the page and it doesn't allow me, I await your prompt response regarding the information.


Hi Jovian, can I join your bootcamp from Nigeria
