Intersections and Composites of Galois Extensions are Galois (Algebra 3: Lecture 23 Video 3)
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Lecture 23: We started this lecture by discussing several Algebra Qualifying Exam problems that involve computing the splitting field of a polynomial over a finite field. We proved a general result about the degree of the splitting field of x^n-1 over Fq[x]. We then started to discuss composites of field extensions. We proved that if K/F is a Galois extension and F'/F is any extension, then KF'/F' is a Galois extension and its Galois group is isomorphic to the Galois group of K over K intersect F’. As a consequence we saw a nice formula for the degree of KF' over F. We saw an example that showed that it really is necessary for at least one of these two extensions over F to be Galois. At the end of the lecture wee proved that intersections and composites of Galois extensions are Galois.