How to Dock Single Handed? | Single Handed Docking - EP12

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In this episode Pete show's us how to safely and effectively bring his boat into the dock.
What planning should you do?

What must I think about before I dock my boat?

How do I tie up my boat?

Learn about influences of wind and current when you're docking your boat.

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I find it very cavalier of you to jump on the dock without a line holding you to the dock and unreasonable that you board without a line on the dock which can be released once you are under way.


Very nice explanation. One tiny suggestion (i know, the best seaman aren't on the boat lol😂): you're showing how to tie on a cleat. The final hitches are better done reverse, such that the lines run parallel. It makes for a smaller knot, it unties more easily, it won't come loose, and you only need one of them (if it's unclear what I'm saying, on YT, search for "cleat hitch", there are some excellent vids).

Alternatively, run the lines back to the boat, in many cases that makes for an easier departure.


Pete’s boat looks like a PS—a 37’? No fair using this guy as an example. That is one on the hardest boats to maneuver in a Marina and he does it with too much accuracy and finesse. He knows his boat well. Bravo!


When laying out lines ready for deployment I like to be able to see the tail ends hanging inside.


he comes into the dock and places his boat nicely ahead of the boat to his stern - then he ties up and there is no boat (or dock for that matter) to his stern!


Tks mate for the video. However, jumping of a boat which is still in motion seems not a good idea to me…. But nobody is perfect. Cheers!


btw. I NEVER get off the boat with no lines tied. Watching from the dock while my boat drifts away is bad enough. But in a crowed marina. Ugh!


kind of a mess tying onto those dock cleats. It should be less turns and much more simple. I'd show you a video but I'm in the comment section. Sorry to be so picky, but I work part time as an assistant harbormaster, and I'm always amazed at the variety and complexity of the docking tie ups.


In the come island world., we throw the eye onto the dock cleats and make off on the boat. Nice job thou.qw


The cleat thing is totally wrong so going off the boat without a line..
The rest I think it’s a good explanation


Very good explanation of propwalk. Fair winds ~~~~_/)


Have you neglected those that have a long keel ?


I fully agree with the comment made by @Misteribel


A couple of questions. First, with the breeze blowing on to the dock then why not dock starboard to so that you have the benefit of prop walk for departure. Second you discuss springing off the dock but don’t demonstrate it and instead simply push the boat off, why?


try with boat next to your docking and not in open water


Without Prejudice

Your "Practical" approach enables understanding.

It would appear one or two people want to go into argument, while A Captain Of a Yacht is looking out for Yacht Safety leaving the Dock, which he Obviously has prior experience, and, ease of Action in the circumstances encountered on the Day.

The Old Keep it simple stupid, otherwise known as K.I.S.S. is essential for beginners, while keeping in Mind, Build Overall Understanding!

As a result of reading comments, i have a Picture in my Mind of one commentator arguing wind direction, with the Wind, EnDangering his FAMILY, Yacht, and, CREW. It is NOT funny.


why speed up the docking video? literally the most important part lol


You're being unnecessarily rude and can't spell "mate".


Wrap those cleats about fifty more times. 🤡🤦‍♂️ Jeezus, people love to over wrap a cleat, ffs.


Sorry maid, the most stupid explanation for the direction of prop walk.😂
First of all, a turning device push the water jet in every direction, like a circle, not only left or right. My 5 years old daughter know this. It doesn't matter if anti- or clockwise.
However, if the water jet encounters a resistance (boat hull), the water pressure increases in front of this resistance. The resistance (boat hull) is pushed away by the higher water pressure. That's why the boat hull moves to the side.
That means we have a prop walk in forward gear and in reverse.

Although, the prop push the water much more effective to the front (keel) or back (rudder). Thats why its very efficient to steer in forward gear and normally the prop walk in forward gear isn't a problem.
