Beowulf - Prologue and Beowulf's Death - Old English Dramatic Reading

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About the performers:
Thomas Rendall is a Research Professor in the School of Foreign Languages at Peking University, where he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on European and English literature. He has published research in Modern Philology, Medieval Studies, Philological Quarterly, JEGP, The Explicator, Chaucer Review, Dante Studies, Italica, Literature and Environment, Arion, The Classical Journal, Notes and Queries, Forum Italicum, Monatshefte, and Joyce Annual, as well as making recordings of Old and Middle English texts for The Chaucer Studio.

Harvey DeRoo is Professor Emeritus of English Literature at Simon Fraser University, specializing in Old and Middle English and Old Norse languages and literatures. He also has a taste for drama, and has taught numerous courses of the history and development of opera.
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