Let the Adults Play... World of Tanks

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World of Tanks is a Free 2 Play online game published by Wargaming and is available as a free download.
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Saving your hitpoints "for the later part of the game" only really comes into play, if there actually is a later part of the game and you are not in another 15 - 3 farming simulator.
Not to discredit the statement, for it is indeed correct. It's just that, sadly, things rarely turn out that way.


you forgot to mention the 75 percent crew and stock at the same time


German World of Tanks Console player over here and still long-time enjoyee of your channel & work!

Thank you for this video. At a 99.7% rate, I am a free-to-player. I have about 15, 000 battles on my account. I have improved from a win rate of 44-46% to one of 53% over the years. And I don't buy premium tanks, I don't use premium consumables, and, out of all my shots fired in 15, 000 battles, I've fired a maximum of 100 gold bullets (i.e. wanted to try the high penetration of a Jgd. Panzer E100).

Two days ago, I watched another video of a console player who advertised in his title that he had done almost 10, 000 damage with the E100.

So after watching the battle, I also found in this video that he was shooting only gold ammunition. So I replied in a comment that shooting gold was more of a Point&Click and that I would pull my hat in front of him if he had achieved this damage with standard ammunition.

Since it is far more competitive in my opinion to use standard ammunition, because you have to know the armor of the opponents well, because you have to anticipate shots and because sometimes you can't shoot, just because you can see only the turret.

All in all, I ended up making a thesis that of all unicums, at least 5% of their statistics would have to be corrected downwards. So when you mentioned the 5% figure here in your video, I felt a bit confirmed in my assumption.

The player who uploaded the video replied that gold ammunition and premium consumables would be part of the game system. So why not use it, he said. I was a bit irritated by his response, to be honest.

I have to admit that sometimes I'm actually just frustrated by those players and Youtubers who hold a Unicum statistic but overlook how they achieved it.

I am also annoyed by the comments among the videos like this with 10, 000 damage with the E100 that many simply write "Wow!" or "I wish I could play so well." among these videos in the comments. Of course: even with gold ammunition you still have to land the shot, but the probability of penetrating is much higher.

In any case, I would be very interested in a video of you dealing with this thesis.

Highly esteemed greetings from Berlin, keep going!


I've used that approach since the ebrs came out. Take cover and don't chase them. They tend to over commit eventually.


that's why im never aggressive with my ebr at the start of the game
so i can put the grandpas in a hearse


Quickybaby is one of the most down-to-earth players I've seen, in gaming as a whole. In quite a lot of game communities, like Quickybaby said, the older and more experienced players who can afford Premium items, rewards, etc. often don't realise how detached they've become from the new players who've only just started, or the free-2-players who don't or can't spend money on the game.


Quickly baby: i Surly feel like im at home when i play world of tanks
His wife in the back:😑🔪


When you are so early you can only watch 240p. You know yt notifications finally started to work.


Came here right after qb showed us what he was laughing at on the stream!


I like how QB used a grey hair filter in the thumbnail😂. Is he saying that only Jingles is an adult?


So appreciate the work and effort that keeps these deliveries 97% clean and professional and fun. I enjoy sharing some with the kids. The dialogue is fun and its entertaining. Thanks a lot for the entertainment and knowledge and info you provide!


psychologist: QB grandpa doesnt exist, he cant hurt you...
QB grandpa:

no seriously, wtf Will, you are terrifiying us lol


QB I've been doing a bit of an experiment for a few years now. I and a few of my friends and Clan mates have also found, using a automatic extinguisher, in *most* matches, results in less credits spent on an extinguisher overall.
The 10% protection prevents it being needed and used, enough, that we've been spending just about as few credits with auto extinguishers, as we have in the same tanks, with small extinguishers.
So, when getting free auto extinguishers, and collecting a few when on sale, we're all managing to keep ourselves around a spare stock of 50~ auto extinguishers.
The argument brings up, the fires we don't see. We get many more shots off, do more damage, and earn more, because we don't burn up. Which overall, negates the occasion the extinguisher goes off when on 100~ Hp, and we die 2 seconds later anyway (as frustrating as that may feel).
Selling the earned small ones is a nice injection of credits aswell.
All in all, even at the worst of time, we don't spend much more on automatic extinguishers, and earn much more for it.


lmao holyfuck im no unicorn but this is exactly the mentality i developed to play a light tank against a wheelie. i tell my team "yall mind if i just chill until the ebrs finish being ebrs?"


First things first: Please like and/or comment this so it gets a bit of traction because I really think Will needs to read this, perhaps have a little think himself and – if he feels the need – even respond to it. Thank you!

I’ve been a WoT player since the open beta. When a friend first invited me into the beta in 2010 I was instantly hooked. I’ve always been a huge history and especially a military history nerd, so WoT was right down my alley. I was still at uni at that time, so me and my friend had quite a bit of time to play. He eventually became very good and still is. Over the past ten years I have spent a total of around 200 to 250 Euros in this game, my friend quite a lot more. It’s been mostly premium tanks and gold for garage slots, barrack spaces and reutilisation of vehicle equipment, sometimes a bit of free XP conversion to help my progress and/or shorten a grind. Other than that, I played as F2P as possible, that means no premium ammo while it still sold for actual gold, no premium consumables.

Personally, I’ve always considered myself more of a casual, yet spirited player. My stats are not particularly good, but not terrible, either. I even joined a clan at some point and we dipped our toes in some clan war activities (when eSports was still a thing in WoT), but I quickly realized that there was a “right” way to play WoT and a “wrong” way: Either you had the tanks that were all the rage back then (KV-1S and Hellcat for tier 6) and fully maxed out in every regard, or you didn’t need to turn up at all. So, that was it for me then, no more clan. Then the first fundamental change came to the game: Premium rounds could be purchased with credits now. I felt it. But I still felt that I could be a successful player without it, only using one or two shots max in any battle, often enough not at all. Then, midway through the French light tank tree grind, there came the nerf for those vehicles and then the all new American LTs which immediately powercrept the Frenchies. So, no more LTs for me, thank you very much. The grind kept on getting worse and worse with every tech tree that came along. I had started working full time and found it more and more tiring and frustrating to grind through this game. I played less and less and eventually stopped for longer and longer periods of time, only coming back for special events and stuff like that. But that kept on getting even grindier, so I stopped playing WoT completely around 2015 after the horrendous accuracy changes in patch 9.6. Didn’t uninstall, though.

In November 2020, I was at my friend’s and he suggested playing a couple of rounds of WoT. I was in a particularly good mood, so I gave it a shot. And I actually had quite a lot of fun. After two weeks I even managed to do an ace tanker in one of my previously not so beloved vehicles. The game had become a lot faster, which seemed to fit my natural playing style better. Equipment 2.0 looked surprisingly sensible. Even though I didn’t recognize two thirds of the tanks driving around and the spotting system felt like a complete hack. In fact, November 2020 has to be my most successful month ever in WoT. Then came December and the Christmas event which, together with the 10 year anniversary gifts meant that I could enjoy the game without having to worry about the credit grind for new tanks. I managed to get quite a few of my old tanks to elite status and in January 2021 bought my first tier 10 tank.

And then… the long term statistics hit back hard and with a vengeance. The better I did as an individual in most matches the more brutally my team would lose. I would get whole series of 6 to 8 or more misses over negligible distances with some of the most precise and fully aimed in cannons. The tanks that were not “meta” were more frustrating than ever to grind through stock. I sound like a broken record by now, at least in my own mind. In my real life, my job had picked up quite a bit at the end of 2020 and I regularly had to crunch and work long hours. So, when I finally came home after another gruelling day at the office WoT felt like a side job – and a pretty sucky one at that. I once more realized how broken and toxic this game has become. But I still want to have fun playing it. It could be buyer’s remorse and Stockholm syndrome combined. I’m kidding, of course. Nevertheless, I’ve once more quit WoT. And I’m not sure, if it’s for good this time. I think anyone who has been part of the WoT community as long as I will know what things in particular are broken in this game and should be fixed.

Which brings me to QuickyBaby.

I think Will is one of the sanest and most rational contributors out there. His analysis of the vehicles and game mechanics are highly competent and credible and helped me a lot over the years, even if I don’t follow this channel that regularly. However, I highly commended QB for starting his F2P account and thought it to be a very good and pure idea. Sort of a grass roots attempt to reassess WoT in the here and now. But lately, I realized that I can’t relate at all to his “plight” as a free-to-player. WoT is his job, after all. He’s become so good at it that it doesn’t matter whether he has the full shenanigans of his main account or not. He can’t nor should he dumb down his level of skill. This event’s grind is 40 to 50 hours a week? – No problem, it’s just a new project. And if you’re not good enough or don’t have the time, there’s always your credit card. I know that I’m misrepresenting Will’s arguments, but here’s the thing: I don’t know how many of you out there realize this, but the reason why QB does all his fabulous and profound analyses and statistics is because of his scientific background. And he should not stop doing this. It’s absolutely necessary to show how Wargaming do business and how the game is stacked against you. I also love Will’s game commentary as he lives through every moment, it’s superbly entertaining. But – and here comes the kick in the teeth – you should not consider his F2P account as aspirational. It simply can’t be because of the things I mentioned earlier. And I strongly believe that Will knows and understands this, too. He just might be – for lack of a better expression – professionally blinkered.


i'm 2:02 in the video and already...like ..
if that EBR knew ANYTHING he would out-spot you, dude..


Playing this game is like going shopping through a swamp. You can do it, but you'll get dirty and tired, and in the end they won't let you go to the store you want because you smell like swamp.


I really love your content. I am not good player but it seems that everytime I watch one of your videos I did learn a tiny bit to make me a better tank commander.
And not to forget: The overall quality of your videos including your comments are really high class. Thank you!


1:00 best summary of EBRs I ever heard


QB - I applaud your move to ope the FTP account to understand more of the experience that hose of us who cannot devote time and money to building huge garages of premium tanks, etc, etc. However, I'd like to suggest one more difference. Many of us don' have loads of Tier 8 and 10 tanks to play in - free or otherwise. In grinding it takes lots and lots of going to get to a Tier 9 or 10. I have some Tier 8s, mostly the very rarely bought premium specials. When there are so many idiots playing (I'm on NA) that you're doing very well if a game lasts more than 6 minutes, and your team has basically lost by 12-2 within 3 minutes, it's REALLY hard to grind up to ANYTHING. We play lots of Tiers 5, 6, and 7. And we need help learning those because of the very short games. When you play even on your FTP account, you are inevitably in a T9 or 10, even if it's a light tank. Not meaning to be hypercritical - I have followed and loved your videos for years. And learned a lot from you. Just don't get a lot of chances to put it into practice due to short games with dumdums. So even in your FTP account, you're still playing way out of the league of many of us. I've never played a Tier 9 or 10 tank except on a rare occasion maybe on a test server that's very temporary or something like that.

Anyway - thanks for all the entertainment and education you provide us! And best rgards to Ms Pep!
