Is Your Garage Door Noisy? 4 Easy Fixes and Reasons Why It Is So Loud

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In this video I show you how to lubricate, maintain, and get rid of the noise and squeaking from your garage door! It won't take more than 10-15 minutes to do and you really only have to do it once a year.

Items I used and mentioned in the video:

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I made the mistake of using WD-40 on our squeaky garage door. And told my wife that there was nothing more that could be done… It was just going to continue to squeak and that was all we could do. And then she took it upon herself to find your video on YouTube. I followed all your directions using silicone lubricant and it’s a miracle! Your video was very concise and well thought out. Very much appreciate this video. Thanks!


As a "garage door guy" with 20 years of experience this video is pretty informative. There are a couple of things I do differently:
- use light motor oil to lubricate the hinges, rollers, and springs. It's extremely long-lasting and a single drop of oil will spread evenly along a surface without any "overspray"
- on that opener, I wouldn't oil or grease the rail because the traveler is plastic and I've found that over time some lubricants can weaken the plastic.

One thing people never think about is releasing the door from the opener traveler and running the door by hand. Over time the torsion springs can relax and make the door seem heavy causing the opener to work harder moving the door up and down or even triggering the force limits that will stop the opener from completing its cycle. I will never suggest a homeowner attempt to adjust the springs as they are under extreme tension and will cause serious injuries if mishandled.

Overall good information from the video.


I followed these simple, perfect instructions and my 3.5 year old door sounds brand new. Thank you!!!!


After watching this video I went to work on my garage door. Just tightening all the bolts reduced the sound some, some bolts move 1/8th a turn which made a difference. Lubed everything and it sounds so much quieter.


Wow what a difference! 20 years I have hated the garage door on this house. 15min of tightening and lubrication and it is so much better. some screws were just a 1/4 turn...some were full turns!


I have watched a couple of videos on quieting garage doors, and this is by far the best one.


This is a really good video reminder of something most of us take for granted. We love the door going up and down until that day it doesn't, so this should extend the life until replacement.

Good tips that I plan on applying this weekend.


Thank you, this was so helpful and concise! I especially loved you naming each part of the garage door while lubricating it - I feel educated.


my garage door makes lots of noisy in cold weather. This is best video I've found so far, (for grandma) I am going to try it step by step tomorrow. thanks you.


installed a new opener a few months ago. Door was still very noisy afterward, so I applied Break Free CLP to all hings, rollers, etc. Works like a charm, door is now very quiet when in operation.


Wow! Thank you! I had a garage door on a rental that wouldn’t close all the way and sounded like it was on its last leg BUT now it’s gliding to and fro. What a girl can do with a little help from you. Many thanks!!!


Followed your advice on my old rickety garage door yesterday and now it runs like new. Thanks for a great video! New subscriber.


Thanks. I never thought it would be necessary to lubricate the torsion spring. I was experiencing a fairly loud squeak as the door was opening that I could not identify or isolate, but it turns out that lubricating the spring solved the problem. thanks again.


Hey there. Thanks for this video and the step by step process. I am a new homeowner and really grateful for the information. Thanks a bunch.


Some good suggestions here. Especially like the use of the sound meter to measure results. Thanks for the video.


Well done! A drop of almost 10dB translates to one half perceived volume. That's significant!!


For about 10 years now my go to for garage doors is 400-HD National Door Lube. It just works my door hinges are quite and most importantly the tension spring seems to last much longer.


By far, the noisiest items on my garage door, which you did not mention, are the spools that winds the lifting wire on each end of the door. The bearings on these spools need to be lubricated as well, every month or so. A squirt of silicone grease does the trick. Thanks for the video.


I have side mount openers that rely on the weight of the doors to help start the closing feature. I did these same lub steps a few months ago and solve the issue of the doors triggering the cable switch which forces the door to go back to full open.

Great info and so simple to do!


Nice video! Going to apply this to my garage. Thanks!
