1994 NOSTALGIA // the calmest vaporwave mix you will ever listen to

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1994 FEELING // the calmest vaporwave mix you will ever listen to
CALMEST VAPORWAVE mix you will ever listen to

Relaxing Nostalgic Music for Studying, Reading, Writing and Other Creative Activities

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For an immersive, heartfelt, and soothing playlist experience ideal for studying, sleeping, reading, and writing, we recommend using high-quality headphones.

Our channel is about:
Vaporwave playlist, Ambient music, Dreamcore vibes, Synthwave journey, Retro-futuristic soundscape, Nostalgic ambiance, Chillwave experience, Lo-fi beats, Relaxing music mix, Ethereal melodies,

#ambient #dreamscore #liminalspace #calmmusic #meditation #aesthetic #vaporwave
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I was 9, mortal kombat, street fighter, playing out till dark, no cell phones in sight, space jam and jumanji, collecting tazos from chip packets, yoyos and sailormoon. I’m gonna be 40 next year, I feel like this nostalgia can only be felt by few of us fading away… I have 3 kids who will never understand or feel this kind of 90s. Keep the memories alive!


Its not that everything is bad now, its just that the 90s had a different level of vibrance and authenticity. An era that was truly the last of its kind and will never return.


I was 23 in 1994, those were some of the best times of my life. WTF happened?? lol! May God Bless all that are reading this. Be safe out there.


1994. I remember hazy summer days. Sweet scent in the breeze. Laying on warm grass. Running so fast I thought I could fly. Water fights. Blowing bubbles. Climbing over neighbour's wall to get my ball back. Dreaming about a future... that never came.


Денег не было, но мы держались, было с кем и ради чего, жили в моменте, одним днем, как и все дети


I was 14 in 1994. The sun shone differently in that time period of my life. The clock seemed to move at a slower pace than it does now. I though those days would last forever.


Purrfect Synthwave I’m leaving this comment here so after a month or a year when someone likes it, I get reminded of this mix


my little brother was born in '93. i was 11. we had to save up to afford milk. the pic brought me here, reminiscent of the 5 floor soviet concrete apartment blocks surrounding where my family lived at the time, in central Russia. i wore my moms hills and my cousin's boy shirt to school and fall asleep listening to alcoholic debouch in the apt above ours. i am a faculty in higher ed and my brother is a space engineer and a trained musician. that sums it all up about where we come from. my home country is the ugliest and at the same time the most beautiful place i've been to and every now and then, i have to come back to feel human again


Seeing everyone's reminisce of their childhoods is bittersweet for me. It warms my heart to hear about their good memories, but it's also a distant warmth. I moved a lot as a kid. Never had a lot of friends when we stayed in one place for a little while, either. I never really had those close friendships everyone is talking about. It's still difficult to connect to people and the moment-to just be present, you know? Everything always seems so far away because of it. Feels like I'm going to fade away like a waning summer. Feels like the isolation never ends. The only heat I get is from others' distant memories of a summer I'll only see behind a pane.


I was 12 when Ceausescu was removed from power in '89! The 90's came over us like a wave. Freedom, coca-cola, endless TV with more then one channel, jeans and every other normal thing in the west, was now available to us! The 90's were my formative years as a teen. Great moment to live and love, party and enjoy life without boundaries! Also, no bills, because I was in high-school and university, so ... no responsibilities except school! Great years :))


Видя как постепенно панельки уходят в прошлое, заменяясь безликими бараки-башнями я очень скучаю по старым 2ух и 5и этажкам...


Graduated high school. Left a deeply stressful home. All uphill from there.


Similar to background music that played in malls, doctors offices, or while waiting on hold, or some "easy listening" radio stations. It was not really a genre that most people would name if asked what they listen to, or that you would see in a CD collection back then. Yet music like this was everywhere, barely noticed in the background. That's why it feels so nostalgic and magical. It reminds us of countless, mundane memories from a world that has been lost.


1994... The year I started playing Dungeons & Dragons as a 12-year old kid. Played and watched lots of soccer. Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis and lot's of arcades. Street Fighter 2 was THE game still. Watched Brazil win the World Cup and celebrated with a train horn in the streets of Rio de Janeiro haha

good times


Don't let haters hate you dude you keep doing what you do and ignore them keep calm all they are is trolls.


94 was one of the greatest years of ALL TIME. I got my drivers license that year and it was off the chain.


Я сама ребенок 90-ых. Тогда энергия времени была совсем другой. Воздух был пропитан надеждами на лучшее. Дело даже не в политике, экономике или социальном строе. В каком-то необъяснимо красивом качестве самих людей. Не были так агрессивно навязаны современные технологии. Люди встречались, общались просто ради того, чтобы увидеть глаза друг друга. Да, в каждом времени есть своя романтика...


I was 13 that year. We played football or played on the beach all day in the summer. Unbreakable friendships, mutual loyalty and hope characterized that time. We looked forward to adult life and looked to the future with optimism. Then the politicians stole the future... Thank you for the music!


В 90 х хоть было трудно, но была какая то надежда на будущее. Мы тогда были детьми, я была подростком, не было еще никакого Интернета, мы гуляли по улицам, ели шоколад, мороженое, были беззаботны, слушали такую классную музыку, носили платья, юбки, топики, играли в мячики, Барби. Красота. А сейчас все озабоченные, злые какие то, возможности вроде появились, мы же сами этого хотели, а лучше жить не стали.


1994. I remember being born, good times, it went downhill from there.
