The Greatest Zombies Map Ever Made

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I tried for round 100 on the the greatest call of duty zombies map ever made, Shadows of evil. This took a lot longer than I thought it would. The greatest zombies map ever made.

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Found you around a month ago and haven’t realized how underrated you are as a zombies YouTuber


10:22 if that ever happens or if a drop gets stuck on a random piece of geometry, you can grapple drops in beast mode to you!


Facts bo3 was the pinnacle of zombies. However off topic Played bo4 again and I appreciated how great the atmosphere of IX is. Wish the next zombie installment will be as good


Shadows of Evil: A map that was hated at launch then appreciated years later


Yo Chrrism as someone who’s gotten to 200+ on this map I can give you some tips if you wanna try this again.

Make sure when you spawn in the drop behind the door is a max ammo. Restart until it is. It would’ve saved you this game.

Put blast furnace on your kuda and after about 80+ use 1 apothican servant shot and then shoot a whole horde with blast furnace and it should fill up your sword. Saves you a lot of ammo

Keep track of your cycle and don’t pop purple pods at all until you absolutely need a max.

When you have your sword out use the chain trap because it kills meatballs and bees.

Worst case scenario you can always trade out your AS from the box. Just buy a random gun off the wall and hit the box until you get another one.

Hope you try it again!


hey loved the video ive got a few things that might help if you attempt this again

1. restart for lil arnies from first box, they make your life a million times easier when you have to deal with the margwas
2. dont use quick revive as you get death machines and you only get two drops a round, this obviously reduces the chance of getting max ammos
3.use blast furnace and do hoard ups when you have low apothican ammo as one full hoard almost charges the sword, save enough ammo for safety shots
4. if the drop spawns up top go into the beast and you can either jump up there to grab the ammo or grab the drop with the tentacle.


I just started playing on this map for the first time ever and realized what a great map i missed out on all these years. I'm learning so much watching this too LOL


Shadows of Evil is my all time favorite map. I'm obsessed with the 1940 & 50s era and this map really sets the tone for it!


i been enjoying your content alot, thanks for making it! Its really reignited my love for Zombies, making me remember when me and my brother played world at war together 👍🏾


10:25 if the max ammo is stuck up top, you can use beast mode to pick it up. Happend to me before


The valorant accent is strong with this guy


2015 was a great year for gaming.
Black Ops 3, Fallout 4, Arkham Knight, Witcher 3, Dying Light


Pro tip: when the max ammo gets caught up on the bridge just go into beast mode grapple up and grab it. Also knifing while the sword is active will summon it to you getting you out out sticky situations.


Low key want to do a documentary type vid on SOE cause of how good of a map is and how it impact my love for cod .


This dude was on round 18 at 50 minutes and said “I think I can get to 100 by 2 hours” 😂


I have 3 issues with this map:

1. You can't upgrade the apothican servant. I can't express enough how much of a disappointment this is. Yes I know about the pre patch glitch, yes I know they considered putting in the map. But did they? No. Did they put it in one of the easiest maps of all time, Revelations? Yes. That absolutely makes 0 sense. Why not put the upgrade for it in the "harder" map Shadows of Evil? Either way, once you hit round 50, it's hard to maintain a flow of ammo within the Servant even with alchemical. Maybe that's because I'm a casual player, Idk.

2. There is no way to get a free perk. Yes I know you can use the widows wine lion's mouth thing to get a free gobble gum and you MIGHT get an Unquenchable or a Flavor hexed with it. But it can only be done once per game (which I think is bullshit) and you 99% of the time won't get what you need for an extra perk. I personally do not like widows wine. I'm a trainer. Not a camper. Widows wine fucks up my train everytime somebody gives it to me with an On the house or a Reign drops. I hate that perk. The melee damage isn't even worth it once you hit the 20's in rounds.

3. The fact that this map requires 4 players to do the easter egg unlike ANY other main dlc map in the game and get the summoning key for your completion for the super easter egg is just straight up bullshit. Like why? Why can't it be done solo? I don't understand the mindset of requiring 4 players for any easter egg whatsoever. It's a very dumb idea. Always has been. Always will be.


Chrrism i love your videos and I just want to say thank you. your Videos make my day so much better


Chrissm you should try to do this on the old shadows of evil, as in, first release, when gobblegums were limited, you could packapunch the apothicon servant, the civil protector didn't kill margwas, etc. In some ways it's even harder, despite the apothicon servant having double the ammo. It's pretty simple to downgrade steam games, but I warn you that all data gets reset when you do so, so do it on a steam family share account or something


Rip you were so close. if you try shadows again I would recommend restart you game at the beginning to get a max in the spawn door also you can use blast furnace when you have a full horde to charge up your sword which can help you save some ammo in your apothicon


In between my a level exam revision I am watching you everyday I love your videos so much ❤️💪🏻 what an amazing YouTuber making my favourite mode (zombies) so enjoyable to watch
