posit::conf(2023) Workshop:Enhancing Communication & Collaboration with Quarto and Jupyter Notebooks

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Instructor: Hamel Husain
Workshop Duration: 1-Day Workshop

This workshop is for you if you:
• have some experience with Python and Jupyter and want to learn how Quarto can support and enhance your workflows
• want to learn about turning your notebooks to websites and publications
• want to learn how to write python packages with Jupyter notebooks and Quarto with the help of nbdev

The workshop will assume some prior experience with Python and Jupyter Notebooks.

Sharing knowledge through writing is a critical aspect of scientific activity, including data science. It allows researchers to communicate their findings and insights to a wider audience, build upon existing work, and collaborate with others in their field. However, until recently, there have been limited options for publishing long-form writing and expository analyses authored in Jupyter Notebooks, a popular medium for data scientists.

Enter Quarto - an innovative, open-source scientific and technical publishing system compatible with Jupyter Notebooks and other popular mediums. Quarto provides data scientists with a seamless way to publish their work in a high-quality format that is easily accessible and shareable. With Quarto, researchers can turn their Jupyter Notebooks into professional-looking publications in a variety of formats, including web pages, books, and slides.

In this workshop, we will demonstrate how Quarto enables data scientists to turn their work products into professional, high-quality publications, websites, blog posts, and other shareable artifacts. As a bonus, we will also discuss how you can create and document Python packages using Jupyter notebooks and Quarto with the help of nbdev.

The learning outcomes for the workshop include:
• examine case studies where sharing scientific knowledge has greatly improved the efficacy of data science teams
• author documents in plain text markdown or Jupyter notebooks with equations, citations, crossrefs, figure panels, callouts, and advanced layouts
• learn how to author content in IPython/Jupyter and the Quarto VS Code extension
• leverage Quarto for creating different types of publications, including personal blogs, knowledge management for teams, notes, books, websites, and presentation slides
• extend Quarto with notebook filters and extensions
• host websites and publications on platforms like GitHub Pages, QuartoPub, and Netlify
• test notebooks and documentation with Quarto’s execution options
• create and document Python packages with nbdev and Quarto
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