Examining Halo 2's Best Level

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For me, Bungie's Halo series is at its best when you’re given the opportunity to take full advantage of its incredible sandbox in huge, open environments which give you a plethora of options for how to approach any given situation

And Delta Halo, the midway mission in Halo 2's campaign, is one of the quintessential examples of how amazing that combination can be. Delta Halo's excellent opening cinematic sets the tone, and it never lets up from that point onwards, as you battle your way across the Installation 05 while on the hunt for the Prophet of Regret.

In this video, I analyse everything from Delta Halo's level design and gameplay to its story, setting and atmosphere, to try and explain why this particular Halo 2 mission is such a great experience, while also drawing comparisons to Halo's Assault on the Control Room and other missions in the Halo trilogy.

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#Halo #Halo2 #Bungie

00:00 - Intro
00:34 - Previously On Halo 2
01:43 - A Brand New Halo
03:00 - Toys For Grunts
03:47 - Explosive Opening
04:50 - Warthog Woes
06:03 - Scorpion Success
07:48 - Never A Minute's Peace
10:47 - Anniversary Analysis
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The “rank” of Arbiter is one of shame during Halo 2. It used to be what you said, but that was before the covenant came into existance


My only major critique is that the marines you keep don’t transfer into Regret. I’d keep my ODST’s alive just to get regular marines.


I remember playing this game at midnight on launch. This level is one that always stands out. Some of the levels after always bleed together in my mind.


I've had a lot of great memories playing this mission as a kid. I'm still finding secrets I didn't know about to this day, for example:

-If you run out of rockets in the first encounter, you can climb to the rooftop of the building and find a dead ODST and a rocket launcher carrying 4 rockets.

-In the jackal sniper forest, if you follow the stream at the bottom it'll lead to an energy sword. (Finding this as a kid actually started a habit of me trying to find secrets in waterfalls and ends of rivers in other video games.)

- When you travel about halfway through the jackal sniper forest, you might see two jackals and an elite walk out of a cave. Head inside to find a dead ODST holding two magnums and some frag grenades.

I also love that it's not only the first mission that we get introduced to ODSTs, but the level design also lets them follow us from the beginning to the very end of the mission.


Halo 2 was the first video game I remember playing. There were about 10 young kids in our neighborhood who would have 4 player PVP tournaments basically every day. we were too young to even figure out system link, even though we all had Xboxes with four controllers and a copy of the game. To me, this game is perfect: in and of itself, a time capsule of simpler times. I was too young to even understand the story, but the setting and gameplay drew me in. I’d sneak downstairs in the middle of the night just to play by myself and frequently got in trouble.

I barely play video games anymore, but I do tell my own stories, and I owe so much of that essential part of my life to this game



This right here is one of my FAVORITE child hood memories of Halo 2
As a kid alot of narrative and military sci-fi jargon kinda flew over my head, so I didn't listen to a whole bunch of the dialogue back then, I didnt even notice the UNSC was dropping off a tank after I destroyed the two wraiths so I just started progressing forward on foot.
Hearing Cortana chime in on that literally snapped me out of my attention deficited trance toward the next objective like "WHAT??" and I started frantically looking around until I spotted the scorpion behind me

It was the first time a video game blew my mind.


If the sniper jackals weren’t such a pest on legendary I think halo 2 would be my favourite 🤔. Always loved this mission 👍


That's why I think Halo CE will never be beaten. I loved the gigantism of the first Halo. Remember when you just leave the safety pod and you see this MASSIVE area with the waterfall and the cliffs. Since I am a kid when I first played Halo CE I always dreamed about getting up those cliffs and see what's beyond. You can travel all over the map on Halo Delta which is really fun though. But yeah I'm sad none Halo games after 1 could bring back that gigantism feeling when you're exploring areas of a Halo ring.

That was quite out of subject but congrats on the vid though! Love to hear you talking halo as always :)


More Halo 2 levels please!! I’m very curious to see a breakdown of Gravemind as it’s my personal favorite of the game and I really feel it’s a master class of gameplay and environments, plus the storytelling is top notch both through visuals and Cortana letting you know what’s going on without being over bearing


This level and gravemind are my favorite level and the intro cutscene is one of my favorite in the series


One of my favorite things to do in this mission was to disable one of the covenant barricades, drive my Scorpion ore it, and let recharge in side of the tank which would send it flying across the map.


I always felt halo 2 felt too small in scale. It had the illusion of large areas but it was fairly more linear than the original game. While many aspects of the combat was also improved, halo CE still retains the most visceral shooting in the series. All the weapons just feel so powerful. Even on legendary.

Look at the AR for example. Charging an elite with it, they stumble, try to get out of the way while you’re just peppering then with holes. It feels like you’re pinning them down and killing them at the same time. In halo 2/3, they barely react to automatic fire.


Halo 2 will always be the most nostalgic Halo for me, and the music is what why it gets the strongest emotional reaction from me. This level (paired with the next level, Regret) is one of my favorite experiences in gaming. Hearing “Peril” is a lighthearted fun adventure which reminds me of running around with my friends outside as a kid, using sticks as guns and imagining ourselves fighting off aliens; the following excerpt of “Heretic, Hero” during the tank portion feels slow but powerful and confident, befitting of someone operating a tank; but the last section at the waterfall with the jackal snipers is by far my favorite part, and whenever I hear “In Amber Clad” the slow, mournful strings mixed with the stylish electric guitar immediately make me wish I could go back to when I was younger and that times were simpler, it’s one of the most impactful pieces of music in the series to me. I also love the end of the level, where you walk out of the enclosed area and see the enormous lake, and the music is just 2 simple string chords played twice, but it sounds so open, mysterious, and beautiful to me, and I always stop to look around and enjoy that moment. I love the aesthetic of this level from the lighting to the colors to the sound effects to the environmental art design, but the music is the part that ties everything together and makes the emotional impact last a long, long time.


I think I definitely agree with this one. I still love Halo 2, but the later missions just don't offer the same experience you get with Delta Halo. Interesting how Halo's best missions are ones that take place on its namesake. I think that's part of why the missions in Halo 4 and 5 just didnt have the same appeal to me.


"this next encounter is for my money the best in the entire mission"

"it has features jackals sniping you from afar"


Sacred Icon is my favourite thematically, essentially a 4 way heavyweight fight between dispirate factions with the same goal


Best Halo 3 level is when the Forward Unto Dawn comes down to land on the ark, sending sand, debris and vehicles flying. The sense of awe is breathtaking, nothing like it any other game,


My major complaint with this level is that it feels far too short, it ends right when it reaches its peak.


Perfect Sunday Night Viewing!

My favourite Halo 2 level and arguably one of, if not the best level in the series.

Starts me with my favourite two weapons. The SMG and the Rocket Launcher! Throws in some ODSTs for good measure!

The level is so well placed and includes some of the best parts of the sandbox.

The soundtrack is on point too, again the level begins with my favourite Halo piece. Peril. Then follows up with some of the best pieces in the series.

Side note. I am probably one of the only people who thinks this, but I really cannot get on with the new cinematics. For me, less is more. Though I totally understand no one will agree with this last point haha.


The feeling of dropping in with some ODSTs is always nice. It elevates that military feeling with you as the most important player aka Master Chief.
The newer games don’t convey the same vibe, it became more of a you are the only one against an entire army but hey here and there are some marines so have fun ig?
