Why You Should NEVER Tell Anyone What You Are Up To | @ImanGadzhi

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#imangadzhi Iman Gadzhi on why you should move in silence and the difference between the rich and the poor when it comes to making moves

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this is something my father teaches me, when we’re about to do something we never say to our friends/relatives. lots of our relatives do all talk but never actually accomplish anything and make a fool of themselves.


telling yourself youre going to do it releases dopamine and you will not actually do it because it is easier to say it and since it releases that dopamine you will constantly do it because its easier


This info is invaluable. Nobody taught me this. I’m 30 right now and I’ve noticed over the last 5 years or so that when I just keep my head down, stay focused and get after my goals things come a lot easier. No negative energy or spurring by people who don’t have the same goals as you. It’s hard to go off grid from people you love but it’s extremely beneficial every now and then


"Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth" Proverbs 27:1.


I just turned 30, I make $100K as an aerospace engineer and I'm starting my own business. I don't tell anyone, not even my parents. There's a lot less pressure on you and less stress when you move in silent. Sure you might miss out on some praise, but pros outweigh the cons by a long shot


This is me. When I finally do tell people what I’m up to, I’ve already done it and it seems to them that it came out of nowhere. I rarely let people know when I’m in the “lab.”


True. I've learned it's better to kind of move in silence and just do whatever I want to do and go after a goal. When you start telling people what you want to do etc it not only gives you a false sense of accomplishment, it also opens you up to others opinions about why it WON'T work etc which is just a drag on your energy.

Move in silence and prove it with the results.


Many dreams die, because they are shared with the wrong people, so be like the professionals and move in silence. In other words, keep your goals and plans to yourself.

I learned the above the hard way. In fact, I once had a person say to me don't count your chickens before their hatched. Unfortunately, they were right. Again, keep your goals to yourself.


Don't announce anything especially when it's not set in stone. Unfortunately not everyone in your life will be happy for you when you succeed, and before your plan is set they may try to talk you out of something you think you can accomplish. If you end up failing, fail in silence, learn your lesson, and move on. If you succeed, stay humble, lay low, because there's still a lot more to learn from life.

I also hate when people pretend as if the competition doesn't exist. Competition for limited opportunities is everywhere. If I told my friends prematurely that I'd be applying for a job, they might try as well. And last thing you know, they'll be thanking you for your inspiration while you're left empty handed. Always put yourself first, and help others when your own cup is full.

Edit: This is how I'm graduating university a year early at age 20 with a 2% acceptance rate job offer in M&A, and multiple scholarships from master's programs. Haven't told anyone other than family yet, and intend to keep it private until I graduate.


My mother always tells me never say what's important in your life.


For some reason whenever I tell someone I want to do something for some reason I just don’t end up doing it or something happens and boom that idea no more.
I’m 23 and still trying to figure out my life and I realized that not telling anyone is the best decision of my life…


My mother told me that whenever I plan something to have (maybe a house, new car, etc) I should not tell it to others. For some reason, there is this jinx that if we tell it to others, it will not happen. She believes that if the person you told to got envious of what you planned to have, they will do something that will cause it to not happen, directly or indirectly.


There was a self-help/business book from the 70s my father had read and let me read as a teenager. One immortal line: "If you've got something good going, *shut up*." I'll disagree a bit with Iman and say you should in fact be secretive but seem open and friendly. Light conversation topics, cute anecdotes, the weather, just on repeat, endlessly, then make your polite exit and get back to working on what you're after.


this is true, the richer and more powerful i am, the more silent and distant i get about my plans and ideas


Talking about things with limited number of people has helped me a lot, people have corrected me, given new perspectives. I think sharing is ok but don’t be a jerk doing it, stay humble and keep your mind open.


My old roommate always did this. Told me constantly of things he was going to do. Never did any of them. I told him once “ever notice I never say what I’m going to do, but then out if the blue I do something?” What’s interesting is that there’s tons of things I tell myself that I’m going to do but probably don’t, but no one knows I didn’t follow through on them.


Telling people your plans will also bring on people trying to sabotage your plans.


I needed this video. I spend way too much time talking about the things I want to do. Thanks!


Great video. you've remind me of what someone once said "The mind is the man, the poor is in it and the rich is it too". This sentence is the secret of most successful investors. I once attended similar and ever since then been waxing strong financially, and i most tell you the truth..investment is the key that can secure your family future, I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life too 🙏🙏🙏


it takes effort to make something happen. if you fail or dont actually do it, it puts your friends at ease, because then they feel like less is excpected from them too. so they validate you saying "at least you tried". that makes you feel at ease and you will try even less the next time.
